from FinancialSurvivalNet
Bladimir Mercedes was a victim of identity theft. Putting his financial life back together again was a daunting challenge. But it led him to his passion, which is helping people restore their reputations and to get the credit that they deserve. Amazingly, nearly 80 percent of all credit reports contain inaccuracies that can keep people from buying homes, automobiles and many of life’s necessities. Millions of people are living off off the grid. They’ve been forced to join the cash economy. There are steps that can be taken to rebuild their credit ratings and their lives. They just don’t know what to do or where to turn. That’s where Bladimir comes in. He goes head to head with the credit bureaus and the creditors and forces them to abide by the law. He’s helped so many tolegally raise their scores, enabling them to rejoin the mainstream economy.
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