Biden EU Disaster Trip, Vaccine Updates, Fed Stokes Inflation

by Greg Hunter
USA Watchdog

Vice President Biden went to Europe this week for the G-7 and a big meeting with the person Biden called a “killer” aka Vladimir Putin, President of Russia. The G-7 meetings the public was allowed to see showed a weak and mentally lacking Biden. He had cheat sheets to remind him to blame Trump for everything. (I kid you not. There are photos.) His handlers shouted down reporters asking off-script questions, and Biden even started calling President Putin by the name Trump and caught himself mid-word. Biden was exposed as the incompetent and illegitimate imposter, and America suffered for it. President Putin stuck it to Biden in an interview where he called Trump “talented” and “extraordinary” unlike “career man” Biden. Ouch!!!! In short, VP Biden’s trip was an unmitigated disaster for “We the People.”

There is more news about the CV19 vaccinations that the mainstream media and RINO’s like Ohio Governor Mike DeWine say are safe. DeWine wants to mandate them and force the experimental jabs on people. He’s the idiot with a lottery to bribe people to get the experimental Jab. The Vax is anything but safe, and the death and injury numbers prove it. That’s not stopping Vax makers from arm twisting to get the Vax totally approved by the FDA. It’s being fought by medical people who have still not been bought off by Big Pharma.

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