Report Finds CDC Has Been Dramatically Overstating Outdoor Transmission

by Penka Arsova
LaCorte News

A recent report in the New York Times argues that the Center for Disease and Control’s estimate about outdoor transmissions is deceptive and vastly exaggerated.

What specifically? The New York Times report points to an announcement from the Center for Disease and Control in April that said that “less than 10% of documented transmissions” happens outdoors, while the majority occurs indoors.

The agency has further cited the estimate to back recommendations it has made about vaccinated individuals, only allowing them to ditch masks in certain situations.

The pushback: The report says that the 10% estimate is based “partly on a misclassification” of some virus transmission at construction sites in Singapore that may have actually taken place in indoor settings. The confusion reportedly stems from the classification of mixed indoor and outdoor settings, such as construction building sites, as outdoor settings.

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