12 Quotes from Attorney Sidney Powell That Show Why Trump’s Lawyers Are Absolutely Convinced He Will Win the Election

by Michael Snyder
End of the American Dream

We are about to witness the most high stakes court battle in the history of the United States. Yes, the outcome will determine whether Donald Trump or Joe Biden wins the presidency, but even more importantly the integrity of America’s elections is about to be put on trial. If fraud can be proven, extremely expensive voting machines will have to be destroyed all over the nation and the way that we run our elections will need to be completely reconfigured. But if fraud is not proven, our elections will continue to be run the same way and nobody will ever dare challenge them again. Literally, this is the moment when we determine if there will be fair elections in the United States for the foreseeable future.

So to say that the stakes are very high is actually quite an understatement.

Of course in the short-term the implications of this court battle for our country will be enormous. If Biden wins the presidency, tens of millions of conservatives will completely lose faith in the system and many of them will never vote again.

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