America Has Become a Powder Keg That is Ready to Explode at Any Time

by Michael Snyder
End of the American Dream

Have you noticed that people are a lot more emotional these days? People are angry about the lockdowns, people are angry because others are not “properly” observing the social distancing rules, people are angry about losing their jobs, people are angry about the shortages in the stores, and more than anything else people are angry at our politicians. Even before COVID-19 came along, I was repeatedly warning my readers that anger was rising to a very dangerous level in this country, and now this pandemic has made things far worse. If you doubt this, just log on to Facebook and read some of the “discussions” that people are having about this coronavirus. Many of those “discussions” rapidly devolve into venom spewing contests, and sometimes this is still true even if people are theoretically on the same side. There is so much anger and frustration out there right now, and it is only going to get worse the closer that we get to election day.

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