The Bible Says That There Will Be “Pestilences” in the Last Days

by Michael Snyder
End of the American Dream

Jesus specifically warned us that there would be “pestilences” in the end times, and so if we really are approaching the time of His return this is one of the things that we should be watching for. Of course we don’t know if COVID-19 is one of the “pestilences” that Jesus was referring to, but in recent days it has greatly distressed me to see so many Christians attempting to downplay the severity of this virus. The number of confirmed cases and the global death toll have both been rising at an exponential rate day after day, and experts are warning that over half of the population of the world could eventually get this virus, but so many voices out there are boldly assuring people that they don’t have anything to be concerned about even though they don’t have any medical credentials at all. Personally, I think that it pays to listen to the experts during a crisis like this, and the experts are telling us that millions could soon die. In fact, as you will see below, a doctor that sat on the White House Homeland Security Council is saying that this is the most “frightening disease” that he has ever encountered. After everything that we have already learned about this virus, anyone that is not taking this pandemic seriously is not being wise.

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