The New York Times’ Assault on White Americans

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Dean Baquet, the executive editor of the presstitute New York Times, announced on August 12, 2019, the “1619 Project” which reinvents American history and reduces it to racism and slavery. As I wrote in my remarks on the project on August 22, 2019, the New York Times has an agenda which is to dehumanize and demoralize white Americans of the original colonial era ethnic stock so that left indefensible and overwhelmed with guilt they will accept their fate as their country is overrun by non-white immigrants touted by the New York Times as the real founders of the country.

The 1619 Project portrays white people as the source of all evil in America. The project is distinctly anti-white. Nothing comparable could be said about blacks, Jews, or any other race or ethnicity as the 1619 Project says about white people.

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