Seven Suggestions for President-Elect Trump

by Charles Hugh Smith
Of Two Minds

President-Elect Trump, more policy tweaks, more promises of more government free money and more symbolic gestures won’t fix anything.

Though I am just another powerless peon, I’d like to offer seven suggestions to President-Elect Trump and his transition team:

1. Make sure your administration is as diverse as America. No single act will give your enemies more ammo than populating your cabinet and administration with the Usual Suspects: Caucasian elites from Ivy League universities. These privileged “experts” have bankrupted the nation financially, morally and spiritually while enriching themselves and their privileged cronies.

Populate your cabinet and administration with entrepreneurially minded, honest, hard working, forward-looking people who just happen to be African-American, Hispanic-American, Asian-American, female, gay, mixed-race, etc.

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