‘Elites’ Called To Arms: “It’s Time To Rise Up Against The Ignorant Masses”

from Zero Hedge

It appears the powers that be just are not going to take it anymore. Having mistakenly allowed the people of Britain to exercise their free will, Foreign Policy’s James Traub exclaims, “It’s time for the elites to rise up against the ignorant masses.”

[…] The Brexit has laid bare the political schism of our time. It’s not about the left vs. the right; it’s about the sane vs. the mindlessly angry

Authored by James Traub, originally posted at ForeignPolicy.com,

I was born in 1954, and until now I would have said that the late 1960s was the greatest period of political convulsion I have lived through. Yet for all that the Vietnam War and the civil rights struggle changed American culture and reshaped political parties, in retrospect those wild storms look like the normal oscillations of a relatively stable political system. The present moment is different. Today’s citizen revolt — in the United States, Britain, and Europe — may upend politics as nothing else has in my lifetime.

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