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Greg Fettig – Tea Partier Attempting To Save The System

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Greg Fettig is a leader of the leaderless Tea Party. It’s been tough sledding lately. With Obama’s re-election, the defeat of several high profile Tea Party backed senate candidates and the capitulation of the House Republicans, there’s not a lot to be hopeful about. But Gregg is still fighting. He’s looking for higher caliber candidates who can withstand the withering press scrutiny, to mobilize behind. The bottom line is that the Tea Party understands that there is something dreadfully wrong with the direction the country and the world is headed. They’re trying to do something about it, but it’s an uphill battle.

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Roger Sorkin – Ending Petroleum Dependence Is A National Security Priority

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Roger Sorkin is busy raising funds to produce The Burden. He believes that finding other energy sources should be a national priority, up there with the Manhattan Project. Getting fuel to the troops in Afghanistan can cost as much as $400 per gallon! Not to mention that many of the Western World’s sources of energy are in areas that are unfriendly or hostile to its interests. Therefore, it’s extremely important to start the process now. The military is firmly behind this effort, as they understand better than anyone the high stakes involved.

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Steve Bourie – Breaking Even Is Hard To Do, Especially At The Casino

[Ed. Note:If you want to make money in a casino, own one.” — Steve Wynn, Casino Owner]

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Steve Bourie is an expert in turning the tables on the casinos. He says that by playing certain games and effectively managing your money, you can get lots of freebies, or comps, win some money and come out ahead. But it takes knowledge and some study to get to this point. Steve publishes an annual casino directory which can help you find the best value plays at casinos around the world. Who would believe that your odds in video poker could be better than at numerous table games? Steve’s a master at making them pay.

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Dennis Miller – You Need To Reboot Your Retirement

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Dennis Miller was recruited by Casey Research because he is that rarest of commodities, a well-off retiree. Becoming one was no easy task, but Dennis just had a natural talent for it. He now publishes a newsletter called MillersMoney.com and has a large following. This area has become extremely complex since the Crash of 2008-09. With negative real interest rates and financial repression the rule of the day, retirees must change their world view and their investment philosophy or risk perishing financially.

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Arch Crawford – Avoiding Your Personal Fiscal Cliff Is Essential

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Arch Crawford was back with more insights from the technical indicators and the stars. As if you didn’t know already, things are pretty bleak. The world recession has continued on, despite the protestations of the ruling elite to the contrary. Arch sees this as a long term cycle and reiterated his belief that you need to store up on gold, silver, food and even guns. He’s been stating a similar message for many months and while some of his predictions haven’t totally worked out, he’s been spot-on enough so that he should be listened to.

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Carl Jarvis – Citizen’s Guide To Securing Freedom

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Carl Jarvis believes that monetary debasement leads to moral debasement. He traces many of today’s societal ills back to the abandonment of sound money. Many problems, even the gun control issue are manifestations of that underlying disease. In addition, the breakdown of the political parties is yet another sympton. Until we get back on a sound monetary footing, there can be no hope of lasting reform and rebirth for the country. Unfortunately, we can’t even have a political debate on this important issue, because there is no longer political debate in America.

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Jeff Wilson – Never Have So Many Owed So Much To So Few

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Jeff Wilson is the author of life’s cheat sheets. We talked about college debt and why you need to plan your life and your education with an eye towards supporting yourself and becoming self-sufficient. The cure to college debt is to never incur it in the first place. Once you’ve hopped on the student debt merry-go-round, your life is no longer your own. Education is now available in a number of formats for a relatively minor fees. That’s why discovering what you want to do in life is the key.

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Dan Caramanico – You Can’t Stop Selling

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Dan Caramanico believes in always delivering more than you promise. When you make this your way of doing business, you’ll never have to worry about making a living or providing for your family. You need to concentrate more on providing the highest quality service rather than worrying about how much money you’re going to make. Money is the natural result of doing your best and if you change your mental state, you will succeed. This formula has always worked and always will no matter how bad the economy may appear to be.

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Danielle Park – Time To Start The Foreclosure Reality TV Show

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Danielle Park just got back from throwing cold water on the die-hard precious metal bulls at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference. She’s not buying glowing government statistics showing that housing is recovering, either. In fact, we discussed the inventory overhang, the aptly named shadow inventory, over 6 million strong and growing. Now banks are renting out newly foreclosed homes to their defaulting borrowers. And in Florida, foreclosure is entering into the dating scene, where so many singles are on the verge of losing their homes. When will it all end?

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Michael Gray – Fiscal Cliff Deal: New Taxes For All, Help For Some

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Michael Gray is back on FSN. The latest fiscal cliff tax deal has ended uncertainty over the government’s operations, at least until the debt ceiling debate resumes. With the exception of the increased payroll tax, people making less than $250,000 per year come out fairly even on the deal and perhaps even benefit slightly. Higher earners receive a potentially crushing tax increase that will be felt for many years to come. Those people who create businesses and create weatlh will be penalized further and this will be felt in the economy as a whole. Add this increase to the boost in state taxes and you have a recipe for long-term economic contraction.

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Richard Fults – Interesting Views And Opinions Of The Bush Administration

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Richard Fults believes that the Bush Administration committed great crimes in it’s lead-up to the Iraq War and its handling of the financial collapse. His views are unorthodox and quite controversial and we at FSN, while no fans of either the Bush or present administration take issue with much of what Dick stated. His grasp of complex legal concepts seems a bit thin and his interpretation of many facts that are in doubt, lead to possibly erroneous conclusions. But we do agree with him that government in the hands of sociopaths is a dangerous thing and to be avoided at all costs.

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Triple Lutz Report #236 – Are We Running Out Of Oil?

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I interviewed two energy experts last week who expressed completely opposite views about the world’s future oil supply. Dr. Frackenstein, a pseudonym for a 25 year seasoned petroleum engineer. He’s drilled thousands of producing wells around the world, and is currently a regular visitor to North Dakota and the Bakken Shale. He claims that there’s plenty of oil out there waiting to be found, much of it in oil fields that were previously considered fully depleted. Robert Hirsch has been involved in the energy field even longer than Dr. Frack and is much more negative about future energy prospects. He believes that shale oil is expensive to drill for and the resulting wells have much shorter lifespans. This is all due to the nature of shale’s porosity, which makes it much harder to produce shale oil than it is to produce shale gas.

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Laurence Kotlikoff – Yes Virginia, We Are $220 Trillion In The Hole

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Laurence Kotlikoff put in a special return interview . He’s not expecting any great reforms from the current debt limit debate. Rather, it will be more of the same. It’s as if you sent a cancer patient to the hospital for treatment and all they got was a manicure. When it comes to the national debt debacle, there’s a complete lack of seriousness in coming up with workable solutions. Instead it devolves into a partisan game of Gotcha. In the end, we’re all the poorer and we’re the losers, as the congress heads off into its recess and scoop up large sums of cash from companies seeking undue advantage.

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Jefferey D. Saut – High Dividend Stocks Can Help Finance Your Retirement

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Today we spoke to Jeffrey D. Saut, Managing Director at Raymond James & Associates. People who’ve been responsibly saving for their retirement are faced with a terrible dilemma. The yields on money market accounts, bank cd’s and debt instruments are in the gutter. However, there are options. Finding high quality dividend paying stocks can be a life saver. Some of these securities pay over 8 percent per year. You have to be careful and not allow yourself to be unduly swayed just because there’s a big yield. However, it’s a great place to start that can pay high dividends in your golden years.

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Ranting Andy Hoffman – Things Just Aren’t Improving Like They Say

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When it comes to watching the financial system, Andy Hoffman has been there and done that. A Wall Street veteran, he fled the Street for more golden pastures. Now he makes his living helping people to protect themselves against the coming global economic collapse. Ranting Andy is convinced it’s coming, and if you listen to him, you will be too. In the final analysis, unless you have an oil tank farm in your back yard, you should be acquiring gold and silver at their current discounted prices. And if Jim Sinclair is correct, in March he’ll be getting a golden birthday present.

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Kevin Gosztola – The Adam Swartz Case: Overzealous Prosecutors At Work

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A new guest on FSN, Kevin Gosztola is a first rate reporter. He’s particularly disturbed by the Adam Swartz case. Swartz, the co-founder of Reddit, simply appropriated a J-Stor list feed from MIT and made it public. No private information was ever disclosed, no one was injured and there was no harm done, period. But that didn’t stop the US Attorney, for the People’s Republic of Massachusetts, from criminally charging him and threatening him with a long period of incarceration in order to exact a plea. The unstable Swartz committed suicide, denying the state its opportunity to lock him up. Sad indeed, but all to frequent in this world.

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Kris Miller – The Money Maestro Say Plan Retirement Early

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Kris Miller is a retirement expert. She helps people retire early, which is always a good thing. The monetary system may very well collapse in the next few years. No one can predict the future. However, what happens if it doesn’t? You need to be prepared for anything and that’s what Kris helps you do so well. She’s very accessible and her book is number one in Amazon’s financial planning category. Having spoken with her several times, we’re confident that she knows her stuff.

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Joe Flower – The Change Project and the Future of Healthcare

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With over 30 years’ experience, Joe Flower has emerged as a premier observer and thought leader on the deep forces changing healthcare in the United States and around the world. As a healthcare speaker, writer, and consultant, he has explored the future of healthcare for many clients. He sees a silver lining in Obamacare in that it will increase the involvement of patients in the cost benefit treatment decisions. He also believes that health will be improved by cooperating with economic forces rather than fighting against them.

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Michael Boccia – How Crazy Are Prison Inmates

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Michael Boccia, Ph.D., has been a psychologist and business consultant for forty-one years and has served in numerous clinical and organizational settings during that time. His theoretical orientation has been cognitive-behavioral and his philosophical perspective is to generally maximize autonomy in clients. He’s was responsible for coming up with a number of tough love programs aimed at stopping prison recidivism. He stories are both funny and sad, but always instructive.

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Dr. Frackenstein – The Truth About Fracking And Nearly Unlimited Oil Supply

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Finally, we were able to get Dr. Frackenstin on the show. He’s a 25 year veteran Petroleum Engineer. He’s drilled 10’s of thousands of wells, without a blow out. He does it safely and efficiently. He can regularly be found in the North Dakota tundra. He thinks that fracking has gotten a bad wrap and he’s not afraid to say so. In addition, he’s blowing the lid off the peak oil theory. Oil fields that were considered fully depleted 30-40 years ago have literally gotten a new lease on life, through horizontal drilling and other enhanced recovery techniques. Hopefully, this will mean that we won’t be on gas lines soon anytime soon.

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Robert Hirsch – Peak Oil Is Just Around The Corner

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Dr. Robert Hirsch has been involved in the energy industry for virtually all of his career. He was an early believer in Peak Oil and sees some major changes coming down the road. He sees oil production peaking and eventually decreasing. This will create incredible challenges for humanity and our way of life. Even the much maligned fracking cannot save us, as the wells developed in this manner have relatively short lives. Dr. Hirsch believes that a variety of solutions must be adapted and shortly. Time is running out. For more information, check out his book here.

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Diana Zoppa – Saving Money Is A Way Of Life

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We caught up with Diana Zoppa today and continued our dialog on gold and silver prices, saving money and living a better life. When should you go to a doctor? What drugs should you take and where can you buy them more cheaply? Tried pulling cash out of the bank lately? There are alarming trends taking place at the world’s banks and you should be preparing for a disruption or a bank holiday. And much more.

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David Morgan – Silver Appears Ready To Go Higher

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David Morgan called in from the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference. Fortunately the mood among the miners has greatly improved. That could be a potential sign that the precious metals correction has run its course and happy days are finally here again, for investors. The stocks have been in a veritable depression for many months. Companies with proven resources and escalating production haven’t been able to get the time of day. David believes that this phase in the bull market is over and now it’s on to higher prices. We wholeheartedly concur!

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Ranting Andy Hoffman – The Weather Is Freezing But Silver Is Hot

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Ranting Andy Hoffman joined us today for a look at silver shortages, currency wars and economic depressions. The US Mint and the Royal Canadian Mint have run out of blanks used to produce 1 ounce coins. Germany and Japan appear ready to go at it in terms of a currency war. Japan is fully committed to Infinite QE and Germany is none too happy about it. Finally, the economic statistics are looking particularly bleak. Now that the election is over and the inauguration is done, the motivation for impartng a positive gloss on the economy is gone as well. The true state of affairs around the globe is becoming ever more obvious and this can only help gold and silver.

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Don Gould – Global Jihad… Coming To A Neighborhood Near You

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Don Gould has lived and worked in diverse and far-flung corners of the world, including several Middle Eastern countries, Southeast Asia, and Africa. As a contractor to the US Army during a tour in Iraq, he saw many examples of Islamic fanaticism firsthand. Living with his family in Indonesia, he again encountered the ingrained belief in an inevitable global Islamic domination, and after years of living in different countries dominated by Islam, Don determined that the Glenn Becks of the world must be taken seriously.

In the tradition of Tom Clancy and Brad Thor, Don Gould’s new book, 9/11 to Global Jihad: The Grand Plan, published by GrumpyFox Books, is a masterfully complex tale of global Islamic terrorism and espionage—an intriguing, intense book with a chilling climax!

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Nick Barisheff – Gold $10,000-Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible

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When it comes to gold experts, very few have been around as along as Nick Barisheff, CEO of Bullion Management Group. He remembers the last bull and bear market. And he’s convinced that this time really is different. Once the bull market hits the next phase there will be no stopping it. Unfortunately most people will ignore the gold move at their own peril. They won’t understand what’s happening until it’s too late. And by then all their paper wealth will be gone and they’ll be desperate to convert their wealth into the yellow metal, but it will be too late. It’s so easy to avoid this fate, just buy now.

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Thomas Dyson – Palm Beach Letter’s Editor On Inflation And Deflation

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Thomas Dyson has been an investment writer for most his career. He started out on the other side of the Street in London and realized that he could help more people to achieve their goals by writing useful informative articles. Now’s he’s Editor and co-founder of the The Palm Beach Letter, which is an unconventional publication aimed at helping you to build wealth and to enjoy your retirement years. Tom isn’t sure if we will have massive deflation, inflation or both, but he does know that the market always acts to frustrate and defeat the majority of investors. So he believes that you need to be prepared for both.

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John Rubino – A Discussion of the Current Economic and Social Trends

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John Rubino of Dollar Collapse joined us for a free ranging discussion of the current economic and social trends. GAAP accounting for the federal government shows big trouble ahead, to the tune of a $220 trillion ideficit. However, help is on the way. Marijuana liberalization is going to lead to higher prices and higher returns. It’s all part of the West’s generational economic decline. Where it will take us is anyone’s guess, but the future is indeed in question.

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Chris Duane – The Freedom Girl To Arrive Soon

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The Freedom Girl is the next coin in Chris Duane‘s amazingly successful series of private label silver coins. While not yet legal tender, it is one pure ounce of silver, and it makes a great political statement too. On a more serious note, we talked about German gold repatriation, 7 years to give back 1500 tons, pretty slow even for the US Government. Also, we see a lot of action in the metals markets that were previously quite moribund. There’s a reason for all this and it will come to the forefront shortly.

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Nick Santiago – Gold Correction To End Within A Few Months

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Nick Santiago of In The Money Stocks joined us for a discussion of gold and silver prices. He believes that the 72 week gold price correction is rapidly coming to an end higher prices are virtually certain to follow. He has no plans to part with any of his precious metals stocks and he advises you not to part with any either. He likens the currenct correction to a tea kettle where the water is boiling and the valve is about to blow. And when it does, you don’t want to be standing in its way.

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