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Triple Lutz Report #243 – Upcoming Shows And Where The Economy Is Really Headed

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We’ve got a number of great people coming up on 2/28-3/1/13… Jan Skoyles, the charming British writer, Wayne Allyn Root, a well-known libertarian, Charles Hugh Smith, a famed writer and investor, G. Edward Griffin, who needs no introduction, Chris Duane, the SilverShield, Doug Seger, anti-tax code writer, Tom Dyson, editor of the Palm Beach Letter, John Rubino of DollarCollapse.com, and of course the Mercenary Geologist, Mickey Fulp. We’re trying to help you get a clearer view of exactly where the economy is heading what you need to do to be prepared.

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David Morgan – Keynesianism Always Fails

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David Morgan, the silver aficionado extraordinaire was with us today discussing silver, the crumbling world economy and why sound money will eventually reassert itself. The folly of humanity can easily be followed by watching the numerous fiat money systems that have been tried and failed. Just like human nature repeats itself over and over again, so does its effort to achieve the economic free lunch. Unfortunately, the end result is always the same and nothing can ever change that. Also fortunately, there’s a 12 year old Canadian youth that has been making waves on YouTube explaining these basic truths to anyone who cares to listen.

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Janet Booth – Financial Astrology: Worth A Try

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Janet Booth has been studying the stars for decades. During this time she’s developed a talent for understanding and explaining how they’re influencing your life and your economic prospects. She agrees with Arch Crawford that May 20, 2013 is a possible important inflection point. There are many economic and political events that are converging on or about that date, that could well lead to interesting times ahead. She doesn’t believe we’re going to have a financial meltdown this week, it’s only Tuesday, but that remains to be seen.

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Ranting Andy Hoffman – Is Italy The Next Domino?

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Ranting Andy Hoffman is back for another Monday installment. Italian elections are taking place and it looks like Berlusconi is in. When you see things like this happening, American politics doesn’t look quite so bad. More importantly, this is a potential Black Swan event that could lead to the undoing of the Euro and the world economy. And, if it’s not this it will be something else, rest assured. Don’t try to play tricks with hyper-inflation and the eventual repudiation of all debts. The system will come after you and try to reclaim your gains. Also, what if you’re wrong about when it will happen and you need to cash in your chips before payday? Accumulate gold and silver and be content to just sit back and wait.

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Arch Crawford – Is A Market Crash Coming By This Thursday?

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Arch Crawford, the renowned technical and astrological investor joined the show today. He believes that if there’s a crash coming in the next 6 months, it will occur by February 28, 2013. He’s not sure that it will happen, but if it does it will soon be here. While his forecasts are not 100 percent accurate, they are always interesting and provocative. He still thinks gold and silver are the investments for the intermediate and long term. Furthermore, he doesn’t see Congress fixing anything. So, what else is new? In addition, he said to watch out for May 20, a significant date on the Mayan Calendar.

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Robert Ian – Beware Of Russians Owning Gold and Oil

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Robert Ian spoke with us today about the ascendancy of Russia. They now are the world’s largest oil producer and the largest purchaser of gold. These two distinctions bode ill for the US and for freedom loving people the world over. Russia and China are working to displace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and it seems as if the US is working with them as well. As far as the real estate recovery is concerned, Robert is skeptical as the shadow inventory continues to mount and the excesses that caused the collapse in the first place continue go on unabated. Get ready for housing collapse part deux.

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Mary Robinson Reynolds – Start Making A Difference Now

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Mary Robinson Reynolds philosophy is quite simple. Everyone you meet who makes a positive difference in your life, simply acknowledge it. She does so with blue wristbands, but telling the person, sending a note or other means is just as effective. The key is to do it every day. Very soon, you’ll start noticing a difference in your life. The benefits start accruing almost immediately. She says you’ll feel better about your life and you’ll start finding meaning in things that never seemed to make a difference. So why not give it a try? It doesn’t cost anything.

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Triple Lutz Report #242 – Nanny Bloomberg Goes Into Regulatory HyperDrive

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While Mayor Michael The Nanny Bloomberg just keeps going. This is just the tip of regulatory iceberg. They’re intent on taking away your rights, one calorie at a time. Bloomberg has just under a year left at the helm of New York City, and he seems hell-bent on inflicting the maximum amount of damage. His ban on large sugary drinks goes into effect on March 12, 2013, a day that will forever live in infamy, unless the courts strike down this preposterous rule.

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Ron Hera – Gold Market: Blood In The Streets; Inflation Coming Soon

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We caught up with Ron Hera today. It’s been a while since we’ve spoken and so much has happened. The precious metals stocks are stuck in a major depression. There doesn’t seem to be anyway out. Ron believes that the long awaited precious metals and stock boom will take place once it becomes apparent that inflation has come back with a vengeance. The price increases we’re seeing in the stock market, the real estate sector and the energy market are early indicators of inflation-compliments of an increasingly reckless Federal Reserve. And it’s just the beginning!

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Chris Duane – The Freedom Girl Is Very Hot (And So Are Her Sales)

[Ed. Note: Get them here.]

from FinancialSurvivalNet

Sales of the new Freedom Girl medallion have been stellar. In a way these coins do more to get Chris Duane‘s views and message out than all the YouTubes and website postings ever could. While precious metals prices have recently been slammed down to extremely attractive levels. The result of this slamdown is that you’re able to purchase precious metals at extremely attractive prices. Food and energy prices continue to increase and this will eventually find its way into precious metals pricing.

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Jason Burack – Energy Is Looking Good

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Jason Burack joined us for an exhaustive look at energy and mining stocks. While the intermediate trend for the junior minors is decidedly down, energy looks pretty good. We’re seeing lower lows and higher highs, which should mean increasing returns for investors. While gold and silver are the dumps right now, the long term forecast is definitely up. The market always acts on its own timetable. No doubt things will get interesting once again and you can look forward to a resumption of the upward trend in precious metals.

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Diana Zoppa – Catching Up On Gold And Silver Prices

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We caught up with Diana Zoppa today. We talked about the hit precious metals prices have taken recently. Your humble host’s opinion is that it’s all manipulation from the elites and the powers that be. They want to pick up metals at deeply discounted prices. We’ve seen silver sales go way, way up, since the smackdown. Oh well, another day, another raid. We also talked about how to turn your house into a cash machine. You’ll just have to give up your privacy for a while. And other money saving ideas as well.

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Michael Croix – Getting Out From Under Excessive Credit Card Debt Is Just A Matter Of Time

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10 years ago, Michael Croix found himself mired in almost $100,000 of credit card debt. He wasn’t sure what to do. So he let it slide. And a funny thing happened, he was able to settle his entire debt for just $4,000! Time is a debtor’s best friend. The more that goes by, the less money your creditor is willing to settle for. There’s nothing new here, but Michael has put together a system for helping you do the same. Your credit score will temporarily suffer and you won’t have access to new credit for a while, but there’s a price for everything.

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Paul LeJoy – Cleaning Up On SF Bay Real Estate

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Paul LeJoy is a self-made man. He looked around at the carnage in the wake of the crash of 2008-09 and didn’t see hopeless, but rather opportunity. He followed that opportunity and succeeded. That’s why he believes that it’s impossible to be poor in America. And he’s got the numbers to prove it. Now banks, investors and buyers are seeking him out, hoping that some of his magic will rub off on them. While Paul maybe the consummate salesman, he understands real estate and human nature and that has made all the difference.

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Jonathan Burton – Full Speed Ahead For The Stock Market (Maybe)

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Jonathan Burton is the money and investing editor for MarketWatch, overseeing coverage of investment news and strategies. His Life Savings column focuses on money and personal finance matters. Since the stock markets are off to such an enthusiastic start for the year, we may well see good performance in 2013. Higher dividend paying stocks will remain in vogue, as will larger cap stocks that are better able to navigate an uncertain future for the world economy. He’s hesistant to make comments about the political situation, but sees ample reason for concern on that front. But for now things look pretty good.

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Dr. Rosalene Glickman – More Optimal Thinking Means More Happiness In Life

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Dr. Rosalene Glickman coined the term Optimal Thinking. While positive thinking is nice, it won’t necessarily get you what you want, or where you want to be. Instead, her theory is to get you to live the best life you possibly can as much as you can. This means changing self-limiting thoughts and being totally honest with yourself. We can be our own best friend or our worst enemy. The choice is always ours to make. The consequences are obvious. And always remember that success in one area of your life, does not mean you’ll have a successful life. That requires Optimal Living.

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Delia Horwitz – Maximize Your Down Time: Join A Time Bank

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When it comes to making every minute count, you should look into joining a time bank. Members exchange hours for credit and receive services from other members in repayment. Best of all it’s non-taxable and even fun. Delia thinks it’s all part of the collaborative economy coming to the forefront. She believes that the Senate’s new cross the aisle attitude is all a part of it. While your host wouldn’t quite go that far, there’s certainly some merit to people joining and looking for non-governmental solutionsl Most of the problems that society suffers today are the direct result of excessive over-reaching government.

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Triple Lutz Report #241 – Revolt Against The Drones

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People are rising up against Drones surveilling their activities and reporting back to the police. Seattle just banned the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s) from their skies and Florida has a bill pending in the legislature that would also severely restrict local governments’ ability to watch you from the sky. Many other states are considering similar actions as well. However, the user/abuser of Drones is the federal government. Remember about a year ago, I was flying down the East Coast and personally witnessed one patrolling the skies. Every state bill passed will need to have an exception for Homeland Security, when they are purportedly going after terrorists. However, what exactly constitutes a terrorist in this day and age is an open question. You are seeing the beginning of a revolt by the people to limit their government’s power.

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Will Gates – Financial Tsunami Is Coming: Congress Puts Financial Survival On Back Burner

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Will Gates has just finished an amazing book, The Financial Tsunami. The book could have been a compendium of what we’ve been telling you all these years about the ultimate result of government profligacy. The Congress has absolutely no interest in fixing any of the systemic problems the country is facing. They appear to be content to watch the entire system unravel and see the world economy destroyed. It’s not a question of if, but rather one of when. As we’ve said repeatedly, no one can give you the answer to that one. We all just have to sit back and watch.

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Raia King – Producing Artistic Entrepreneurs Who Become Successful

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Raia King had a problem. She was artistic/creative person who wanted to do more. She started helping artists and other creative types to succeed and earn a living off of their dreams. It became her calling and now she’s the person that artists go to see when they want to earn a living off of pursuing their passion. Artists often believe that when they become a commercial success, they’re actually selling out. Nothing could be further from the truth. When an artist succeeds, they’re actually help pave the way for others artists to do the same thing. And that means a lot.

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Martin Armstrong – Patience Is A Virtue In The Precious Metals Market

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When it comes to figuring out what’s going on in the debt, currency and precious metals markets, no one is better informed or more insightful than Martin Armstrong. He’s lost his freedom in pursuit of finding out the truth. Now he believes that everyone in the precious metals community, the long term buyers, are correct–just not now. With Europe and Japan heading straight down the drain, it could be several years before the dollars circles down after them. But there is no doubt that the current course is unsustainable and that the politicians don’t have a clue. But there’s nothing new there. The politicians are always clueless, so why should this time be different?

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Ranting Andy Hoffman – 4 Out of 5 Politicians Say Hurricanes Create Wealth

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Ranting Andy Hoffman made it back for his Monday Rant. We don’t let anything like national holidays get in the way of our work. It’s really just a union holiday that went awry. We talked about businesses fleeing Illinois and New York for Florida, Texas and Colorado. Who needs to fight storms and storms of regulation and taxes by the likes of Nanny Bloomberg. Easier to just pick up and go to a low tax-state. This tax-induced migration is taking place all over the country and all over the world. As people escape the devaluations in Argentina and Venezuela. It’s only the beginning.

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Adlai Stevenson III – The Black Book: A Political History of the US and The Stevensons

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Adlai Stevenson III‘s family has been involved in American politics since Abraham Lincoln was president. They’ve kept meticulous records of the family’s involvement in governing the country. While his father ran for president twice and he was twice a senator from Illinois, their tenure at the levers of power reads as a virtual who’s who. On a more somber note, the Senator looks at empires and their eventual decline and gives candid analysis about where the United States appears to be in the cycle. Some might not like what he has to say, but he is a gentle elder statesman who has seen it all. There’s also an interesting personal perspective on Nixon’s gold window closure as the Senator was in the thick of it.

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Triple Lutz Report #240 – Living Room Revolution

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Your host broke down and purchased a shiny new 42″ Panasonic internet enabled flatscreen tv for just $499, including shipping. However, he failed to read the fine print, the set didn’t come with built-in Wi-Fi. After figuring out a fix, he plugged it in and fired up the internal Netflix app. And behold, Nirvana. Instant access to tens of thousands of movies with no box or adapter. The future is here now. You can also go into YouTube, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter and a host of other apps, with a zillion more on the way. We have met the future and it’s internet tv. So now you can tell the evil cable giant to take a flying leap through the hole of a donut!

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Rabbi Aryeh Spero – Time Take Language Back From The Collectivists

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Rabbi Aryeh Spero is a passionate spokeman for individual freedom and individual rights. He objects to the way the left has taken over the debate and the language. Fairness to a collectivist means equality of outcome rather than equal opportunity. They tug on the emotional draw-strings to get people to accept their illogical and hypocritical philosophy. Unfortunately, large numbers of takers/voters have bought into this philosophy and they’ll keep electing candidates who promise them more of other people’s money, until the system implodes. Rabbi Spero would like to reclaim the moral high ground and to take the country back.

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Nick Santiago – Former New Yorker Takes On Alligators Of The Gold Markets

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Nick Santiago is a transplanted New Yorker who headed south to Florida (like yours truly) several years ago. Some of his closest neighbors are alligators living in a nearby lake. With that in mind, Nick has no fears about the ultimate direction of the gold and silver markets. We’ve had an 18 month correction, which is hardly unusual during the course of a 12 year bull market. While the elites may keep gold and silver down for a while longer, in the end, the metals will find their true value. And that’s going to be a big wake up call for most people around the world. Nick sees the current price decline as another key buying opportunity.

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Diana Zoppa – Trust Us: We Aren’t Lying

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We caught up with Diana Zoppa today. We discussed the widely heralded book Trust Me, I’m Lying, which explained how blogs and news sites are regularly manipulated by those seeking to forward their own interests. This often takes place at the expense of the public and other concerned parties. There’s no watch dog overseeing the media’s veracity and who could you trust to do it anyway? The best defense is to question every story and every lead you see on your screen. You’ll still get taken once in a while, but you’ll catch on very quickly.

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Bix Weir – Buy Silver With Two Hands: The Scheme Is Unraveling

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Bix Weir‘s been writing about the impending collapse of the global elite banking cartel for many years. At first, most thought that he was delusional and that no market could be controlled for so long, by so few. Now, there’s little debate about extensive market rigging. We see it in every major market around the world. The only question on most people’s minds is when will it end. No one knows for sure, but sooner rather than later. No sane person could ever have expected it to go on as long as it has. But Bix believes that we’re watching it come apart before our very eyes.

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Triple Lutz Report #240 – Nanny Bloomberg’s Latest Enemy: Styrofoam

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Just when you thought it was safe to consume a big gulp soda or smoke a cigar, Mayor Michael The Nanny Bloomberg is back. His latest enemy of the week is that harmless little lovable petroleum byproduc–polystyrene a/k/a styrofoam. Forget the fact that it’s an integral part of that hideous weapon that we all love the smell of in the morning–Napalm. More importantly it takes up valuable landfill space, can’t be recycled and requires thousands of years to degrade. This newest threat to civilization is worthy of a full head-on assault by the mayor. While he’s at it, he wants 10,000 parking spaces for electric cars that nobody is buying. What will he think of next, war on extra tight jeans, banning of high heels or perhaps he’ll do something really bold like going after microwave ovens. Your guess is as good as ours.

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Jim Rogers – Street Smarts: His Life’s Story

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Jim Rogers is a legend. A wildy successful legend who’s always good for a sound byte. But if you listen to Jim, you will succeed. His formula is quite simple, just follow your passion and life will take care of itself. His message is one that you’ll hear often on FSN, but it’s proven to increase your wealth and your happiness. While Jim and his family live in Singapore, they’re still Americans and he only wants the best for America. But he sees our freedoms eroding and he’s shocked by how quietly we’re moving to totalitarianism.

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