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Mickey Fulp – Monthly Market Review: The Markets Are In Flux; Come Back In September

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June was a volatile month. Everything was getting killed until the 29th, when boom, gold, silver, etc., all came roaring back to life. Mickey and I believe that the summer will provide much of the same in most markets, with little actually getting accomplished in the real world. People are far too busy planning vacations. going to the beach and just generally chilling out, to be fixated upon the value of the dollar, the price of gold or natural gas. Of course, the summer is always a great time to be a market manipulator, what with generally low volume and thinly traded markets. One of the biggest surprises in June was natural gas which traded up to $2.76. T. Boone Pickens, a very savvy investor and “Oil man”, is predicting $115 oil and $3.75 natural gas by the end of 2012. At this point in the evolution or devolution of Western Civilization, nothing would surprise us.

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“Ranting” Andy Hoffman & Bill Holter – House Hunters Fake Like The World Economy

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It was time for a Monday Rant with “Ranting” Andy Hoffman and his cohort Bill Holter. Bill believes the world’s central banks are getting ready to revalue gold upward to provide for the final bailout. The news is starting to spread, and while Andy and I believe that something is brewing, we’re not ready to chalk it up to mass financial sanity taking hold at the world’s premier money printers. The system is a fake and a fraud, just like the popular show House Hunters. All the drama and conflict in choosing a house is completely staged, as is the drama concerning bailouts, banks and governments. Perhaps as Bill indicates, the final chapter has already been written and the bankster and powers that be are waiting for the exact moment to spring it upon the citizens of the world. No one could be at all surprised by such an action. At FSN, we are ahead of the curve and try to deconstruct all the news so you find out what’s really going on. And what’s really going on now is that there are no White Knights to save us. If gold does transform from a “Barbarous Relic” to the “coin of the realm” you’ll know it before most.

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Elijah Johnson – A 16 Year Old Who Knows The Money System Is Corrupt

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Elijah Johnson, the 16-year-old seemingly smarter than the Bernank, joins us again today, Monday, July 2, 2012. Elijah has now interviewed quite a few noteworthy people, and what he’s learned is that the global economic crisis is inevitable. Elijah has become financially aware and acknowledges the Federal Reserve as a banking cartel. The U.S. is over 16 trillion and counting in debt, and there’s really no way to pay it down. According to Elijah, and I must agree, we are left with two options: print more money or default on the debt. Either way, we are currently in a losing battle. Printing more money to pay off our debt will cause the dollar to crash and defaulting will send the U.S. credit rating down the drain. Precious metals are the least risky assets that will protect you from the impending doom.

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Triple Lutz Report #197 – Join Me In LV For Freedom Fest – The Obamacare Big Deal

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Freedom Fest 2012 is being held in Las Vegas, Nevada at Bally’s Hotel and Casino. If you’re planning to attend, please send me an email at kl@kerrylutz.com. We’re having a get together, with Robert Ian and other frequent guests of the show. There are at least 10 people attending Freedom Fest who make frequent appearances on the Financial Survival Network. We’ll either have a lunch or a happy hour with drinks and hors d’oeuvres.

Obamacare, if you haven’t heard yet, has been affirmed by the Supreme Court. In retrospect it’s not going to matter unless people finally get it through their heads that the US is losing its last vestiges of freedom. If it becomes a rallying cry and a battlefront in the war to take back our freedoms, then it will serve a constructive purpose. But if people keep watching American Idol and eating their junk food, then things will continue to get far worse, and the eventual collapse will just come all that much faster. We’ll know soon enough.

See you in Las Vegas, July 11 through July 14!

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Mark Skousen – Everything Is Either Mandated or Prohibited, So Eat Your Broccoli

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Mark Skousen, founder of Freedom Fest and editor of Forecasts and Strategies talked about Obamacare’s ratification by the Supreme Court and what it means for all of us. As he quoted, “Everything is now either mandated or prohibited.” Where does that leave the individual? We need to look at the issues of liberty and engage in a genuine civilized debate. Demonization, trading of insults, and failing to properly analyze and discuss issues is leading to an ignorant and uncivil society. There’s no requirement that you love your adversaries, but there is a need for mutual respect, which has been completely lacking from Western democracies for decades.

Information on Freedom Fest can be found at www.FreedomFest.com. The conference starts on July 11, 2012 with a guest reception and continues through to July 14, 2012 at Bally’s Las Vegas. We look forward to seeing FSN listeners there.

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John Manfreda – Why Oil Is Down And Why It’s Going Back Up

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John Manfreda believes that oil prices are headed higher, especially when the next round of money printing begins in earnest. John recently authored a report that explores the trends and future prices in depth. He’s unconcerned about US and European demand, as he believes the developing world has more than picked up the slack and will continue to do so. Oil seems to have fallen into an interim sweet spot of $75-85. Each time the price has gone above that $85, it’s been beaten back, and it hasn’t gone below $75 for long periods of time. One thing is certain, the world will need ever increasing amounts of oil, and while we may not suffer shortages due to so-called peak oil, the costs of extraction will increase over time.

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Yaron Brook – The Supreme Court Shrugged – And We’re All Left Eating Broccoli

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Yaron Brook came on today to discuss the ramifications of the upholding of Obamacare. The decision, while in and of itself a shocker, shows us that we now live under a government that knows no limits. If they want to mandate broccoli consumption, the Congress is free to do so. What other dastardly mandates will arise from this Obamanation? This is yet just another part of the systematic assault on personal liberty and freedom. The very idea of forcing people to engage in market place activities against their own will would have made the Founders fly into an uncontrolled rage. There are certain benefits to the ruling, which we will explore in future reports. The decision may potentially act as a check on the Commerce Clause. Remember that the Chief Judge gets to choose who writes a decision, when he’s in the majority. As such, Roberts took the initiative and the message to the Tea Party and other Freedom Lovers.

More to follow!

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Triple Lutz Report #196 – Obamacare Upheld – Government Can Force You To Eat Broccoli

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As everyone knows, who cares, Obamacare was upheld today. The purported conservative Chief Justice, John Roberts, writing for the majority ruled the health insurance mandate was legal, in spite of arguments before the Court, stating that if the government can force you to buy insurance, they can force you to eat broccoli as well. Because after all, it is good for you. We’ve stated many times on the Financial Survival Network, that any time you go to court, it’s a “crap-shoot.” And this time was no different. And while we admit to being surprised, based upon the oral arguments presented, we’re certainly not shocked. This decision is simply the culmination of nearly 80 years of the Supreme Court rubber stamping ever more intrusive government, expanding its powers to the disadvantage of the individual. To think that labels next to an individual judge’s name could change the outcome is quite naive.

But take heart, Obamacare is the final nail in the coffin of the corrupt, central bank based economy. This combined with the impending tax increases will further decimate the economy and worsen the worldwide global economic depression. The sooner the current monetary system collapses, hopefully leading to a sound monetary system, the better.

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Chris Duane, Sean of SGTreport, & BrotherJohnF – Where It All Ends

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Chris Duane of Dont-Tread-On.Me, John of BrotherJohnF, and Sean of SGTReport joined me for a global economic collapse update. They all agreed that things are not going well out there and that the key to getting through the worst phase of the collapse will be communities of aware people. With millions of people popping anti-depressants like Tic-Tacs and potential food and energy shortage, things could get bad very quickly. This is why preparation and community building figure in so importantly. Not to mention the acquisition of precious metals. When the current paradigm crumbles, there will be no turning back and while there are certain dangers associated with any change on a massive scale, opportunities for personal growth and improvement will never be greater. It’s going to be a wild ride.

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Robert A. Sirico – Capitalism is A System For Moral People

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Fr. Robert A. Sirico has written a book, Defending the Free Market – The Moral Case for a Free Economy. Through the book he has shown that while capitalism may not be inherently moral, socialism is inherently immoral. The market is a non-stop information provider that loses its effectiveness when government intervenes with taxes, subsidies, regulations and takeovers of private economic functions. Therefore, his goal is to educate people that the effects of governmental intervention are usually far worse than the purported ill they seek to cure. The danger is that the educational process takes time and that there might not be enough time to avoid the potential castrophe that is lurking. This is why ignorace of economics, the way things really work, can be so deadly.

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Danielle Park – Stay Out Of Debt – Stay Out Of Bankruptcy

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Danielle Park of Juggling Dynamite fame was with us to talk about the end of money printing throughout the world. She believes the world’s central banks are coming to their senses and the overspending and overprinting will soon be over. My personal opinion is never count on a politician to do the right thing, especially when votes and re-election are hanging in the balance. It would be a wonderful thing if just this once, sanity prevailed over politics. It might be a first, but stranger things have happened, as when the New York Mets beat the Baltimore Orioles in the 1969 World Series. While I believe that my position is the more likely, I will defer to Danielle with the proviso that I want to see proof of this event when it happens.

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Jason Burack – The Euro Will Either Change Or Die

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Jason Burack believes the Euro will survive in some form, although it may be composed of different countries than at present. While the problems do seem intractable with no political will to solve them, perhaps after dropping Spain, Greece and a few others, it can continue its beleaguered existence. But don’t count on it. Italy has larger debt problems than any other European nation, but for Greece. They have a tremendous amount of debt that must be rolled over in the next year. And if the money isn’t freshly printed out of thin air by a willing central bank, then where will it come from? While a noble experiment, conceived to lessen their dependence on the dollar, it is ironic that they’re now completely dependent upon the Federal Reserve to keep the scheme alive. No matter what happens, the Euro is not going to become another reserve currency.

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‘Ranting’ Andy Hoffman – It’s Just Another Day In Ben Bernanke’s Neighborhood

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Ranting Andy believes that the days of unfettered money printing and Quantitative Easing to Infinity are rapidly coming to an end. And it’s not because the central banks are unwilling to deliver unlimited amounts of freshly minted currency units, but rather that these actions have become less effective. When the Fed or the Plunge Protection Team prop up the Dow, their actions now last for a day or less. Their ability to affect markets and outcomes is diminshing. However, don’t believe they’re going to go out with just a whimper. As they get more and more desperate, their actions will too. And that’s the giveaway that the end is near. But until then, treat them as you would a wild animal that’s been cornered-a threat until it’s been caged or eliminated.

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Peter Grandich Is Back With Encouraging Words About Precious Metals

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Peter Grandich joined us today for a look at the precious metals markets and recent prices. He’s cautiously optimistic about current trends and believes that $1640 per ounce is a crucial resistance point. I’ve been optimistic myself lately, but as you know I never make short term predictions. First, they’re irrelevant, unless you bought yesterday. And second, buying gold and silver is not a short term play. When you invest in precious metals, it should be to preserve your purchasing power and to ensure your lasting wealth against the currency debauchers who are currently running the world economic system and central banks. As Peter says, this boxer has been written off by the mainstream financial press, but he’s still got a few good rounds ahead of him, and Lord knows, I wouldn’t want to be in the ring facing off against him.

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Bill Holter – Time to Prepare, Not Panic

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Bill Holter was a stock broker for 23 years and retired at the ripe old age of 46. He moved down to Costa Rica, fully expecting the financial implosion that occurred. What he didn’t anticipate was the world’s central banks doubling down on failure. He came to the conclusion that when it comes to survival, there’s no place like home. He moved back to the US a year ago and has been busy getting ready for the dreaded global financial reset. He has some savvy advice for those few who are willing to listen. And at FSN, we’ve been sounding the clarion call since we started, so hearing Bill out is certainly a wise move, which we urge you to do now.

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Jay Taylor Interviews Kerry Lutz – Everyone Wants A Free Lunch

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I’ve become very close with Jay Taylor of Jay Taylor Media recently. He was kind enough to interview me and seek out my views on the new media and why shows like his Turning Tough Times into Good Times or the Financial Survival Network are becoming increasingly popular as a go to source for real financial news. And the answer is obvious, we’re not puppets and no one is telling us what to say. And we seek out fellow truth tellers who are trying to help people prepare for the coming economic shift.

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Tyler Gallagher of Regal Assets – Time To Save Your IRA

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Keeping your IRA safe is becoming more and more of a challenge. Congress has declared open season on retirement accounts. They want to confiscate even more of your wealth, to keep the bankrupt system afloat a while longer. And while the Fed engages in Operation Twist and is obfuscating that essentially unlimited money printing is taking place, it seems more and more likely that the Congress will eventually resort to outright confiscation. And there’s no bigger target than retirement accounts. Of course they won’t admit that they’re stealing your savings. Rather, like all evils that government perpetrates, they’re only doing it to help you. Your IRA will be invested in government bonds yielding a guaranteed return. Don’t be fooled. You have options and alternatives. Use them. And Tyler Gallagher happens to be an expert in doing just that.

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Ty Andros On Why All Kleptocracies Eventually Go Bust

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Ty Andros joins us for the weekly wrap today, Thursday, June 21, to discuss everything from the jokesters at the G20 meeting this week to the EU commission ending the rating requirements for debt. The “Bernank” failed to announce QE3 yesterday, but he extended operation twist. There are unbelievable bankruns going on in Europe right now, and the end game of socialist dictatorships is in sight. So pay attention to what’s going on in Europe and the rest of the world.

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Joanne Nova – The Ineptocracy Is Taking Over

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Whether we’re talking about climate change, the United Nations, Taxis or anything else the government touches, anyplace in the world, the Ineptocracy always winds up in charge. It’s just human nature. That’s why we need limited government, to keep their reverse Midas Touch from destroying everything in its path.

For those of you not familiar with the word, here’s the definition. In-ep-toc’-ra-cy – a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

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Bob Hoye – Wall Street’s Partying Like It’s 1873… With Similar Results

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Legendary investor and financial market historian Bob Hoye joined us for another compelling interview. If you really believe this time is different, think again. Bob has traced this financial calamity and compared it to earlier collapses and the similarities are quite striking. While we inhabitants of the modern world take solace in believing that we’ve learned so much and progressed so far, when it comes to economic matters, nothing really ever changes. And those who refuse to learn from economic cycles are doomed to repeat them over and over. Just ask Spain and Greece and the world’s major banks. Until we completely abandon the economic intervention efforts of Keynesianism, what you see now is what we’ll always wind up with. Only each crash is progressively worse and more destructive than the last one.

And by the way, all that money that world’s governments and central banks have printed out of thin air, in an effort to try to keep the good times rolling, has all been wasted.

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FSN Listeners Speak Out Against Creeping Totalitarianism

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Pat and Anthony Condos are long term listeners and fellow residents of the People’s Republic of New York. I’ve exchanged emails with Anthony for months, so imagine my surprise while sitting down at lunch, I hear my name called and look over at Pat and Anthony. We connected immediately and spent an enjoyable lunch together, trying not to get too weighted down by the economic collapse and abused precious metals markets. This is the best part of my new career, connecting with as many of you as possible. I hear from so many people each day, with so many concerns, and worries. I can’t emphasize enough, that you should prepare as much as you feel you can, but don’t let your enjoyment and your gratitude for today ever slip through the cracks. As bad as things are, and as bad they may potentially become, our relationships with others will help us all get through. Thanks again to Pat and Anthony Condos for coming on the show and there’s an open invitation to all of you to email, post comments and to leave a message on the hotline at 800-999-CASH.

This is incredible.

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Bron Suchecki – The Land Down Under Could Be A Safe Place To Keep Your Gold

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Bron Suchecki a manager with the Perth Mint, which is an Australian government owned mint that’s been minting gold since 1899 and started providing depository services in 1970. As we recently discovered, the Australian Government is as sound as a dollar used to be, with virtually no private debt. In Australia there’s a time honored respect for precious metals holdings. Perth Mint is audited both internally and with outside auditors continually throughout the year. They use gold prices as a means of valuing their assets and liabilities to insure their solvency. Of course, with any third party there’s always an issue of counter party risk, but of all the custodians out there, Perth seems to be among the safest and most transparent.

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Ranting Andy Hoffman – Want Gold? Marry An Indian Bride

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Ranting Andy Hoffman was back for another insight filled show. QE something or other is coming down the pike. If the Bernank doesn’t announce something about it tomorrow, stocks could crash. Greece, Spain and Italy are still basket cases and the US isn’t much better. All of this presents a fascinating backdrop where gold and silver prices will start moving and probably not stop, once the inevitable occurs. Time is on the precious metal bulls side and is certainly running against the fiat currencies and the corrupt governments that have allowed these systems to proliferate and control all of us. Will there be a gold raid on June 20, 2012? No one could be at all surprised if there is, especially Andy.

Special guest is on next week, so stayed tune for the continuing world economic saga.

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Triple Lutz Report #195 – We Told You So… Hide Your Shakes And Popcorn In NYC

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We hate to say we told you so, but we told you so! Just when you thought it was safe to walk outside in New York City with a Double Gulp soda, the nannies have made their intentions clear. They’ll soon be coming for your milk shake and your extra-large popcorn too. And you know they’re not going to be satisfied with these measures. Get ready for mandatory sunblock and forced consumption of skim milk. Because if you keep up your evil ways, you’ll just become a complete burden to the nanny state in your old age. So you must be saved from yourself to save the nanny state from eventual bankruptcy. And bankruptcy is the one thing that all governments have mastered. Within a very short time period, it will become more and more obvious. So drink a Double Gulp toast to the Uber-Nanny Bloomberg and kiss your high calorie treats and your freedom goodbye.

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Jay Taylor on the State of the Economy & Gold

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Jay Taylor of Jay Taylor Media, radio personality, newsletter writer, and financial analyst joined us live on our Tuesday show on 1490 WGCH in Greenwich. Jay’s been following the metals for over 30 years. He’s been writing his well regarded newsletter for almost that long, and has been adherent to the Austrian School of Economics for decades. He agrees that the world economic system is in dire shape. He believes that the monetary system, as it is currently constituted, is an immoral racket. Jay’s advising people to prepare in the event that things get really bad, by storing up those items that are essential to life. If experience leads to wisdom, then Jay has a lot of each.

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David Wind – Is It Safe Yet To Purchase A Home? … It Depends

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One of the most frequent questions you ask the Financial Survival Network is whether or not it’s time to purchase a home. Which, interestingly, is really a very complicated question. It depends upon your personal circumstances, your ability to service the debt and taxes, as well as your state’s tax rate, among other factors. One thing that is not in doubt, if you’re paying over 4 percent on your mortgage, it’s probably a great time to refinance and reinvest the savings and or cash out into precious metals. But these are questions for you, your financial advisor and your accountant. But you should be thinking about it now.

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Chris Duane – The Real Story On The Chinese Purchase of the LME

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If you’ve heard Chris Duane’s analysis of current events unfolding around the world, you know that he’s had some startling insights that have proven amazingly accurate. The current acquisition of the LME (London Metals Exchange) by a Hong Kong group is simply a sign of the changing paradigm, Anglo-American to Asian. The elites as always can be found closeby to these goings on. They’re attempting to keep their power even as the balance of economic and military power shifts from West to East. How far this shift will be allowed to continue, or whether it can even be slowed or halted is the $100 trillion question. Right now the Elites have taken a beating and everything appears to be coming up China. But such trends can change in an instant, especially when you’re dealing with people who’ve been running the world for centuries.

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Walter Williams – Government Can’t Always Give You What You Want

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Dr. Walter Williams has always been ahead of his time. A free market economist, PHD, leading advocate of personal responsibility, Dr. Williams has avoided stereotypes and has been an active voice for getting the government out of your life. He’s often been heard guest hosting for conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, but he’s developed a large following of his own. And no wonder, he’s been fighting a multi-generational battle against ignorance and the belief that government can fix any problem, real or imagined. Dr. Williams has written a number of books, and you’ll regularly see his articles on Townhall.com, which is why we wanted to speak with him about the state of the economy and the ever dimming prospects for freedom.

We had a far ranging discussion about where the country and the world are heading and how history will look upon this era. Individual rights and freedoms are under attach now, as they have been throughout history. Whether we go further down the road to totalitarianism or again embrace our heritage of freedom, the final chapter has yet to be written.

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Mickey Fulp & Jim Letourneau – Fracking Is Totally Misunderstood

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Two geologists and energy analysts with no axes to grind, no scores to settle, and no investments they’re hoping will payoff agree that Fracking is safe and necessary from an economic standpoint. In addition, fracking helps to fulfill the United States’ and the World’s unquenchable thirst for energy. The fact is the current administration has set rules that will help the process grow and continue to increase domestic energy production. While there may have been some negative results in the past, much of the rhetoric used by opponents of the technology is false and lacks any basis in scientific fact. While New York’s governor can’t quite comprehend these issues, the rest of the country is moving rapidly ahead in developing these much needed resources.

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Greg Hunter – USA is a Kleptocracy

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Greg Hunter of USAWatchDog joined FSN for the first time yesterday. Greg is a former mainstream media news reporter who woke up one day and realized the USA was quickly becoming a kleptocracy. When he started interviewing truth tellers like John Williams (ShadowStats.com) and Jim Sinclair, his contract wasn’t renewed, in spite of his high ratings and popularity. So Greg Hunter did what so many of us are doing now; he started a blog and transferred his vast media experience to the Internet. Now he’s got thousands of viewers around the world. As that old show used to say, “The truth is out there.” Greg’s getting it out, the best he can, and so is the Financial Survival Network.

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