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Charles Hugh Smith on the Death of the Middle Class

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Charles Hugh Smith is a published author who also has the blog, “Of Two Minds“. He has studied economic cycles and his prognosis for the country is not positive. But, he has developed a number of steps that you can take to avoid much of the brunt of the coming economic calamity. His Unconventional Guide to Investing in Troubled Times is a must for those struggling to make it through these trying times. You need to be hopeful and optimistic in your own personal affairs regardless how bad things appear to be.

Charles has new insights into starting a business and how to make it succeed. He’s done it himself, unlike many others, so he has credibility that few others possess. His concept of Social Capital and how to use it to build your global internet presence is very poignant and relevant, especially to the Financial Survival Network. We’ve been doing it for a year now, and it has proven highly effective and valuable.

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‘Ranting’ Andy Hoffman Says Buy Gold & Silver or Your Wealth Will Be Nationalized

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“Ranting” Andy Hoffman of Miles Franklin joins us for our Monday get together, fresh with news that YPF, a large Argentine Oil Company, partly owned by Spanish Oil Company Respol, was nationalized by the Argentine Government. Sounds like a trade war to us. But this underscores the point that no paper wealth is safe from the clutches of government. It doesn’t matter what country’s government we are talking about. Eventually, when there’s an existential threat to its continued survival, no man’s life, liberty, or property is safe.

We’re truly talking man versus state. And whether there’s a socialist slant to the argument, is really irrelevant. Government is the destroyer of wealth, freedom, and the individual. What we are seeing now is simply a trend that has been forming for many years. The battle of the individual and his primacy over the state has been going on since man realized that some form of government was necessary to help ensure survival. Unfortunately, like all other man-made creations, what starts out as an asset, transforms into a liability. In this instance one that threatens everyone’s survival.

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Bob Hoye Says the Global Depression is Proceeding According to Plan

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Some call it a global depression, but Bob Hoye of Institutional Advisors calls it a post-bubble contraction. Bob has seen it all, and what he hasn’t seen, he’s studied. With a degree in geophysics and a lot of summers spent working in mining, Bob’s got some very interesting views on history and financial history especially. In the past, his capitulation model has been extremely accurate. He is a proud member of the rational fringe, which uses research instead of feelings to understand interest rate manipulations and their economic impact.

Bob believes as did Mark Twain, while history may not repeat itself, it certainly rhymes. And nothing rhymes more than financial cycles of boom and bust from the beginning of history to present. According to Bob, one thing occurs in booms and it’s the increase in real purchasing power of gold and silver. You can find Bob at www.InstitutionalAdvisors.com.

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Rick Ackerman Thinks the Dollar Index is Heading to 90

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Rick Ackerman is a technical analyst par excellent. His hidden pivot system has been right so many times that FSN reviews his work regularly to assess upcoming trends. Right now, he’s seeing another uptrend in the dollar and more bad news for Europe. The ECB blew through $1 trillion in a very short time and at this rate what can they do next? The bond markets are being “stage-managed” by the Fed and the ECB to try to create the appearance of normalcy. But these markets are far from normal! There’s a lot of dark storm clouds on the horizon. So watch out!

Are you wondering how long these markets can continue on their merry way to higher highs and higher lows? While the long term trend may be obvious to most, it’s in the short term where you lose the money– as in right now! Rick Ackerman’s short term calls over the past year have been uncanny. He’ll let you know where he thinks the dollar and the Euro are heading now.

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Mickey Fulp – Are they Out of Their Fracking Minds?

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Mickey Fulp, The Mercenary Geologist, joined us again this week to discuss the latest updates on oil and natural gas. We also discuss the Luddites attempts to ban fracking.

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Marc Faber – Go East Young Man/Woman – 13.Apr.2012

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The renowned Dr. Doom also known as Dr. Marc Faber joined FSN today to discuss his latest commentary that it might just be time to start looking at real estate investments in severely distressed markets such as Florida and Arizona. Dr. Faber explained his outlook for the Western Economies, his forecasts for Gold and Silver, and his take on “printing press” economics.

Ever voluble, while at the same time sounding the clarion call for the collapse of civilization, Dr. Faber talks about what things make for a happy, satisfying, and content life. Never dull, Dr. Faber has always got a unique perspective on things, which is why his Gloom Boom and Doom Report is must reading.

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The Wrap with Ty Andros – 13.Apr.2012

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Ty Andros and I wrap-up the week and discuss the serious situation in Europe, especially Spain. A former partner of mine who worked for a large telecom company always used to state, “The situation is hopeless, but never serious.” But for Europe and the US it often appears hopeless and extremely serious. But, perhaps the “geniuses” that reside at the Fed and the European Central Bank will find a way out. That hasn’t happened yet, and we’re extremely skeptical that it will happen now, which means, it’s inflate or die.

The problem with this approach is that it merely puts off the day of reckoning to a time when hyper-inflation becomes the inevitable result of profligate money printing. This is where the world is heading! Every central bank in the world seems to have its chairman’s gaze fixed on the rearview mirror and his foot all the way down on the accelerator. They are all acting totally oblivious to the abyss quickly approaching ahead. Perhaps one day soon the charmen will soon stare into that abyss and slam on the brakes. We can only hope!

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Max Yemets – More On Living Through Hyper-Inflation & Buying Gold and Silver – 12.Apr.2012

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Max Yemets was back on talking more about hyper-inflation and how debts get destroyed. He told the story of how his father took out a loan to purchase a bicycle back in post-Soviet controlled Ukraine. It was a large loan by their standards; but when hyper-inflation hit, his father was able to repay the loan for virtually nothing. There’s something instructive about this scenario, and history could very well repeat itself. Imagine having a large mortgage that you get to pay back in greatly depreciated dollars.

Max believes that if you aren’t buying metals now, you should be! He suggests starting out small with pre-1965, US, 90% silver coins. Buy a few Quarters for around $6 each. Pretty soon, you’ll just intuitively understand what real money is all about, and you’ll know exactly what to do.

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Ed Steer (Casey Research) Is Looking Forward to a Golden Retirement – 12.Apr.2012

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Ed Steer, publisher of the Casey Research’s Gold & Silver Daily newsletter joined us again today. He, along with Bill Murphy and many others, has been accusing governments of manipulating the gold and silver markets for over a decade. Recent events have proven this beyond a shadow of a doubt. Ed reflects upon GATA’s successes and failures re: taking on the Fed and the US government.

In addition, Ed discusses where gold and silver would be, if the full faith and credit of the world’s governments was not aligned against it. Ed and I also talked about the end of the cartels’ war against the precious metals and where prices will be headed, (Hint-hint-they won’t be going down).

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Danielle Park & Kerry Lutz Will Never Be Too Big To Fail – 10.Apr.2012

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Danielle Park, the extremely talented host of Juggling Dynamite and gifted money manager, joined us for our bi-weekly get-together and analysis of the rapidly unraveling global financial system. There’s a major trader at JP Morgan who’s literally juggling financial dynamite! Just like the big casino gambler that he actually is, his nickname is “The London Whale.” He’s juggling billions in derivatives positions and when those explosive units come crashing down to earth, the monetary system might very well crash with it. Why would he be allowed to act so recklessly?

While we know there are many high-powered listeners to the show, who would have thought the Premier of China would be one of them? Wen Jiabao, while not quoting the Financial Survival Network interview, expressed his distaste for too big to fall banks, who are getting a free ride at the global public’s expense. He favored breaking them up and forcing them to relinquish power. Who says all politicians are dense and unable or unwilling to grasp the dangers of over concentrated financial power? Now if he would only be as honest about the Chinese Communist Party and its Too Big To Fail State Enterprise Empire, China could get some real Hope and Change they could believe in!

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Triple Lutz Report (Episode #180) – Marc Faber Says It May Be Time To Buy Real Estate – 10.Apr.2012

from FinancialSurvivalNet

Dr. Marc Faber (Gloom Boom and Doom Report) thinks real estate in extremely depressed markets may be a good buy. He may be right, but he could also be wrong, and the markets could decline further. Yes markets in Florida, Phoenix and Vegas have declined by as much as 75% since the economic collapse began in 2007. However, that doesn’t mean these markets can’t decline even further. If you see a house in a boarded up subdivision, and it’s selling for next to nothing, that doesn’t make it a good buy.

We propose several means of valuing a property you’re considering purchasing:

1) Is the house selling for 3 times or less than the average income of that neighborhood? That’s a traditional valuation that became obsolete during the housing boom, but has seen a revival.

2) Is it cheaper to own than it is to rent, before the tax benefit? This is becoming more and more prevalent in especially hard hit areas of the country.

3) Can you realize a positive cash flow on a home bought for investment or a multifamily property? As Robert Kiyosaki, of Rich Dad, Poor Dad acclaim says, an asset is something that returns a cash-flow. A liability is something a costs you money.

Of course, you shouldn’t forget that pot of government subsidized mortgage money. Artificially low rates and minimal down payments could make a real estate purchase very attractive. But be selective; don’t settle for anything less than you want. After all, you’re a buyer in the mother of all buyer’s markets.

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“Ranting” Andy Hoffman Reviews The End of the Indian Gold Strike and Faked Jobs Numbers – 09.Apr.2012

from FinancialSurvivalNet

“Ranting” Andy Hoffman of Miles Franklin joined us again for his weekly rant. He was particularly peeved today because his internet service went down, compliments of a wonderful oligarchic cable company that wants to control his existence. Then we got down to the end of the Great Indian Gold Strike of 2012. The gold merchants of India, which is by the way the largest gold consuming nation on Earth, won their battle against the government’s attempt to impose an excise tax on gold imports. The strike lasted three weeks, during which time gold sellers were heard to proclaim, “No Gold for You!”

The jobs numbers which were released last week, to coincide with the holidays and decreased public attention, were absolutely abismal. There was nothing redeeming about them, and they will lead to an immediate dose of Quantitative Easing 3.0. The numbers are so horrid; it’s getting to the point where even the manipulators at the Bureau of Labor Statistics can’t make them look good. The Labor Force Participation rate is in the cellar–over 88 million people are divorced from the force, an all time high.

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GATA’s Bill Murphy Sees Non-Stop Government Gold/Silver Manipulation – 09.Apr.2012

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Bill Murphy has been fighting the good battle for 13 years. His organization GATA has been David fighting the Goliath of the Fed, the Bullion Banks, the US Government, and many other foreign interests as well. Bill categorically states there hasn’t been a free-market in gold and silver for decades, and he’s got the evidence to back it up. There are thousands of documents proving Fed manipulation and witnesses calling major price moves days before the actual event occurs.

The manipulation and price rigging has only gotten worse since the beginning of 2012. First there was the Leap Day Metals Massacre. Then there was lasts week’s slam during the slow holiday markets. While the intervention has become more constant, the elitist’s efforts to hide it has not. Therefore, it’s not unusual to see an entire year’s supply of gold and silver sold into the futures markets in a matter of minutes. However, people and governments are starting to understand, which eventually will be the gold/silver cartel’s undoing.

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Triple Lutz Report (Episode #179) – Owe Unpaid Taxes – Lose Your Passport – 07.Apr.2012

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The extent of the governmental corruption in the United States today is beyond comprehension. With that corruption comes the continuing erosion of individual rights and the escalating movement towards totalitarianism. Here’s another example of what we are facing as a nation. A bill, which was passed by overwhelmingly majority in the US Senate, provides for revocation of a citizen’s passport in the event of the delinquency of $50,000 or more on federal income taxes. Fortunately, passage in the House is questionable for now, but your government is clearly capable of anything.

We see the same types of outrageous actions taking place with government backed student loans. If you’re delinquent on your educational loan, good luck getting your transcript from your private university or college. You’ll quickly find that it’s being held for ransom. Is this really the way we want our government to behave towards us? How much longer before a violation of Obamacare leads to passport revocation? Or perhaps, in New York City failure to eat healthy or cease smoking will lead to seizure of your tax refund? Where will it all end?

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Chris Duane Explains Why Silver Confiscation Won’t Happen – 06.Apr.2012

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Chris Duane has just finished a new video about silver confiscation and why it’s not going to happen. Many people are concerned about the ever-expanding government. We fear that eventually our silver will be confiscated, just like gold was in the 1930’s. This is a highly unlikely occurrence, as there are too many large, attractive confiscation candidates, such as: COMEX, GLD, SLV and the other major dealers. Going house-to-house to seize physical holdings of precious metals is just not practical and could lead to violent backlashes.

Chris and I also discussed why Homeland Security needs 450 million rounds of .40 caliber ammunition and 20,000 cleaning kits. It sounds much more like a lucrative corpratist giveaway that the government has become so expert at over the years. That’s not to say you shouldn’t be concerned, but rather there are much more important matters right now that need your attention, like building your financial survival plan.

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Ellen Brown – The Key to Solving the Debt Problem – 06.Apr.2012

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Ellen Brown has been studying the government debt problem for years and believes she has a solution. Rather than governments borrowing money from banks and outsiders, they should be borrowing directly from central banks. Thus any interest owed would be paid back to the government, eliminating a large portion of the resulting debt burden. Combine this with borrowing only for projects that will generate sufficient revenues to self-liquidate the loans and you have a prescription for responsible government finance. Canada did this successfully until the 1970’s, when the Bank for International Settlements stepped in and helped end the practice.

Now, Canada as well as most other developed Western nations, find themselves adopting austerity budgets, which Ellen believes will further accelerate the economic decline and have awful results. While Ellen’s theory may sound much like having our cake and eating it too, it is important to understand that nothing else has even come close to working, so every possible option must be explored.

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Bix Weir – European Derivatives Are Blowing Up and The JP Morgan Rogue Trader Cover Story – 06.Apr.2012

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Bix Weir of Road to Roota fame believes there’s an extreme derivatives induced meltdown taking place in Europe as we speak. Of course there’s the story of a rogue trader from JP Morgan who’s taken control of the world CDS market and is bending it to his will: obviously, with little or no supervision from his bosses. How can such things happen in today’s financial world, especially after the passage of Dodd-Frank, which was supposed to solve all these problems?

The head of commodities trading at JP Morgan, also accused by some of being the antichrist of precious metals, Blyteh Masters appears for a completely scripted interview on a financial network and proclaims that she’s shocked there’s gambling and manipulation taking place, because it’s so illegal. JP Morgan handles customer orders and hedges. The company has no control or influence over metals prices in any market, because that wouldn’t be right. The metals investors have been known to pull out the garlic necklaces and silver crosses! Masters also happened to mention that she just bought a bridge in lower Manhattan and is entertaining offers on it. She proposed setting up EZ Pass toll lanes to charge bikers and pedestrians for the right to cross. It’s so comforting to know that she’s looking out for the public.

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Ty Andros Says Wait Till Monday – 06.Apr.2012

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The lastest jobs number was abysmal. GM’s cars are rotting in the dealer lots, and there’s just too much negative news to fullly absorb. The debt in Spain falls mainly at the Fed, and there’s no possibility of saving the system because it died a long time ago. There’s no way to bring the Zombie Banks back to life. So start saving your silver and gold because there’s going to be a major upswing shortly. Forget the short term swings, look back over the past 10 years and think where you’d be now, if only you invested in the metals.

Ty’s perspective has been proven right over and over again.

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Andrew Horowitz Has Itchy Trigger Finger for Stocks – 05.Apr.2012

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Andrew Horowitz of The Disciplined Investor fame stopped by today to talk about the booming stock market. While some of us believe the rise is due largely to the Federal Reserve’s unabashed money printing and convenient liquidity injections, the market is going up and the trend is also up. Therefore, if you don’t mind dipping your feet into paper, you might as well maximize your odds of winning. Andrew’s new service Trigger Point Research is a good place to go and as a listener to the Financial Survival Network, you can get a discount off of the first month of service with the following code 462D42F5.

While we are always hesitant to recommend any service, Andrew is a good friend of the show and really wants to help you make money in the market.

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Ty Andros – The Financial System Needs CLT, ALT, DLT – 05.Apr.2012

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Ty Andros, of Traderview and Tedbits, joins us for a precious metals crash report. Gold got slammed-down again, so Ty and I discuss the velocity of money, and the rapid rate at which it continues to fall. The central banks are continuing to print money, but they are actively buying in the futures exchanges. The Chinese have made an art of buying pullbacks, and the US is desperate to mask the monetization of debt. The Federal Reserve has been buying 60%to 90% of all the 10 and 30 year variety treasures, and Bernanke is now saying that gold is not money. Don’t be fooled; gold is money! Precious metals have always had and will always have intrinsic value. Hold onto your physical metals because the central banks are trying to buy, buy, buy! YOU should take a page from the Feds book and buy, buy, buy physical holdings of precious metals too!

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Ron Hera – Metals Investors Need to Stay Cool, Calm, and Collected – 04.Apr.2012

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Ron Hera of HeraResearch.com has been sitting back, watching the carnage in the precious metals markets, looking for newly emerging bargains. The HUI Index is right around the same price it was when gold was selling at $900 per ounce. While many bemoan manipulation and market rigging, such anomalies to people like Ron are money in the bank. He doesn’t believe the Fed has found Austrian Economic religion and doesn’t believe they can afford to. Rather, the shift away from the dollar as the world’s reserve currency could take years, or it could happen tomorrow. Either way, the metals will benefit greatly from the change. Which is why you need to be disciplined in your approach and not let the day to day market noise dissuade you from your strategy.

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Ranting Andy Hoffman Is Shocked That There’s Manipulation in the Metals Markets – 04.Apr.2012

Ranting Andy Hoffman is shocked there’s manipulation going on in the precious metals markets! No not really, if you’ve been listening to this show, you know the only time Andy is surprised is when manipulation isn’t occurring. We live in an era of rigged markets, guaranteed profits to a select few, and assured losses for the rest of us. Seen in this context, with the rigged employment numbers being released upon a lazy, intellectually uncurious media, is it any wonder that these things keep on happening? That’s why buying physical metal gives you the best off all possible worlds, no counter party risk and intrinsic value. What could be better than that?

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David Morgan Says No QE3 For You – 04.Apr.2012

Whenever the going gets tough, we count on David Morgan to help clear up the muddy waters. There’s so much going on in the world right now, and it often seems impossible to make any sense out of it. David expects rough sledding for a while longer and sees that ups and downs are a necessary part of the market action. He is one of the foremost world authorities on precious metals, especially silver, and has an excellent grasp on overall market demand. His previous analyses have shown there is ample supplies of silver, largely due to the scrap market. But, certain things have changed; among them declining solar power cell demand and increased investment demand. Stay tuned for upcoming discussions of overall supply. At some point, expect industrial users to jump back into the market to secure supplies.

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Bob Chapman Says Don’t Worry – Be Happy and Buy Gold and Silver – 04.Apr.2012

Bob Chapman is unworried and unconcerned over the precious metals smack down. Many of us saw it coming from several weeks back. The markets almost always gets slammed with the monthly release of the employment survey. Combine that with a holiday week, where the markets are thinly traded, and you wind up with what we’re seeing now: declining gold and silver prices and market mayhem.

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Peter Grandich – We Told You So – Gold and Silver Get Raided – 04.Apr.2012

[Ed. Note: Related.]

Last week Peter Grandich and I made the call that this week the precious metals markets would get hammered. We noticed that holiday weeks usually bring thinly traded markets, which are ripe for manipulation and elitist raids. No sooner did we post the interview from Thurs. 3/29, then wham! The precious metals markets are behaving like Paul Volcker was just appointed Chairman of the Fed. Don’t get us wrong, Bernanke is no Volcker, but this, like everything in life, is temporary…nothing has changed!

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Dr. Alan Ellman Shows Blue Collar Investors How to Get White Collar Returns – 03.Apr.2012

Dr. Alan Ellman is a dentist, but he’s also an investor’s investor. He’s developed a unique system for selling covered calls to guarantee high returns with an extremely low risk of loss; he’s been doing it for years. He’s written three books on the subject, and he’s got thousands of people paying attention to his simple yet extremely effective system. He’s at the forefront of successful stock investors because his system requires very little time, not much mathematical capability, and yet has proven to be extremely profitable in both up-markets and down-markets. 

There’s never a guarantee in life, and there’s certainly no guarantee here either. But, savvy investors never look for guarantees, they look for effective ways to minimize risk and achieve oversized returns and that’s exactly where Dr. Ellman excels. Be sure to check out Dr. Ellman’s site heck out thebluecollarinvestor.com.

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Ranting Andy Hoffman -You Can Run But You Can’t Hide Anywhere – 02.Apr.2012

Ranting Andy Hoffman is back for another Monday Rant. We talked about noted gold investor Jim Sinclair and his decision to flee the US before it’s too late. While Americans have a number of options on where to flee before the ultimate collapse of the greenback, there’s really few choices. There’s so much anti-Americanism around the globe, one can only wonder how much worse it can get if there’s a systemic collapse that leads to mass global disorder. While it will be easy to blame the US causing it, it greatly limits your choices.

Andy believes that sticking it out in the good old US of A will be the best choice for most of us. While it may not be a good idea to move to a large city, put all your wealth in a “zombie” bank and hope for the best, there are number of viable options that you should consider. Storing some food, having a backup generator and keeping a supply of needed drugs on hand is always a good idea, because supply chains can get interrupted. Best to be prepared than surprised!

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Mickey Fulp’s March Market Review – 02.Apr.2012

Mickey Fulp, the one and only Mercenary Geologist, gets into the down and dirty of market performance for April. The Canadian Government/Mint has thrown in the towel on the penny. Did you know a Canadian Penny is worth 1.5 cents? How’s that for guaranteed return on investment? Also, Uranium is down, but hardly out! Japan will be restarting nukes again very shortly, and the rest of the world is building them at an incredible rate.

Natural gas should be buried and put out of its misery shortly. The price hit $1.96 per mcf last week, and there’s no relief in site. However, for those drillers who have “take or pay” contracts in place, or those with wells producing generous amounts of wet gas, the price drop is less relevant. Emerging markets were down in March, but they are still up smartly for the year, as were the Dow and Nasdaq. The Shanghai Index is looking very oversold and ready to crash. BUT gold and silver are up today and still up for year. 

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Ty Andros is Mad as Hell – 30.Mar.2012

Ty Andros of TraderView.com and www.TedBits.com is mad as hell and he’s not gonna take it anymore. The corruption of the government has reached epidemic proportions. The economy is tanking way more and faster than virtually anyone is aware of. And the political situation is a complete disaster. There’s little if any hope that Washington is going to get its act together, certainly not within our lifetimes. So where does that leave you? You to invest what assets you have left into things that will survive the current economic system and its impending collapse. And if you’re thinking precious metals, that’s a great start.

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Chris Duane and Kerry Lutz are Very Upset Over Nicki Minaj’s Wardrobe Malfunction and Silver – 30.Mar.2012

Chris and I discussed many alarming events happening around the globe. Like Britney Spears’ sale of her house in California so she could move in with her fiance. Then there was Nicki Minaj’s wardrobe malfunction on American Idol and her beef with JLo. Forget the dollar losing its reserve status or constant and continual manipulation of the gold and silver markets. There are so many other negative events which are occurring just beneath the surface. It is often said that markets determine the headlines, rather than the headlines determining the markets. Or perhaps we are just seeing the pre-holiday calm before what promises to be the mother of all economic storms. Either way, April has always been a consequential month, with both the Revolutionary War and the Civl War starting in the fourth month of the year.

Are we predicting war or worse? Hardly! Just beware of the signs of quickening economic turmoil that the world has been attempting to get a handle on for the past four years.

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