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Robert Casey – Protecting Your Assets From Predators Around The World

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Robert Casey grew up in the deep South, North Carolina. Now he’s living in Latvia with his wife and three children. He’s developed a number of asset protection strategies and his company has prospered accordingly. While not a lawyer, he’s well versed in state, national and international law concerning creditor and debtor rights. There are numerous strategies that you can apply that will keep your wealth safe and sound, someplace in the world, unbeknownst to your creditors and other potential claimants. In today’s overly litigious and unstable world, Robert’s knowledge can make the difference.

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Walter M. “Marty” Cummins Jr. – Enlightened Capitalism Cures All Economic Ills

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Walter M. “Marty” Cummins Jr. believes that when people act as enlightened capitalists there is no problem that cannot be solved. Unfortunately the public perception of businessmen and businesses is quite negative. Marty is trying to change all that. By helping people to understand economic issues and how free markets and enlightened capitalism have raised the world out of poverty into prosperity. In fact, capitalism has raised more people out of poverty than all the government programs combined could ever accomplish.

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Peter Schiff – Speaking Off The Cuff About Real Estate And Investing

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We ran into Peter Schiff earlier today. He was answering questions from the group. He’s not convinced that the real estate boom we’ve been seeing is for real. He thinks it’s all part of the funny money Ponzi scheming Federal Reserve plot to make us all believe that things are better than they appear to be. Inflation is roaring along at nearly 6 percent, notwithstanding the government’s claims that it’s less than 2 percent. Interest rates have no where to go but up and this will eventually cause real estate prices to crater.

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Mark Skousen – Freedom Fest Exists To Help In The Fight For Freedom

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Mark Skousen founded Freedom Fest so that like-minded liberty loving people could regularly meet and discuss ways and means to further liberty throughout the world. Amazingly, before Skousen came up with the concept, no such meetings existed. Now there are several such groups and the liberty movement appears to be picking up steam. Perhaps people around the world are waking up to the fact that governments are doing their best to deprive their citizens of their inalienable rights, or perhaps they understand that it’s just the right thing to do. Either way, we need many more people to get involved and take up the fight.

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Triple Lutz Report #239 – Is The Bahamas Becoming A Chinese Colony?

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We arrived at Nassau, Bahamas for Mark Skousen’s Global Financial Summit, which is a Freedom Fest production. The changes on the island were striking. First we arrived at the new airport, a project that took nearly 5 years to complete. The Bahamian Government gave it over to a Canadian Company in exchange for future payments. Controversial perhaps, but they got the job done for next to nothing. Next, the Chinese are building a $2.6 hotel casino–Baha Mar. The project seems to be economically unviable. Is the real purpose to colonize the Bahamas, stash money out of the reach of the Communist Party, establish a forward operating base for a future conflict with the US or all of the above? We’re not sure, but they shipped in 5,000 plus Chinese workers who are living on the site, in temporary housing that’s fenced in. Some might call it a concentration camp. It is distrubing that such a workers’ paradise just sprang up so close to the US.

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Greg Hunter – The S&P Shakedown Lawsuit Full Speed Ahead

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USAWatchdog’s Greg Hunter is back for another installment. The government has finally decided to crack down on the financial institutions responsible for the collapse. Well not quite, just lowly Standard & Poors the rating agency. This is the same agency that cut the United States’ credit rating and will probably be doing it again shortly. So perhaps there’s more to this law suit than just punishing S&P for their alleged misdeeds in jacking up the ratings on dubious mortgage backed securities. Then there’s the recent Justice Department Memo that came out supporting extra-judicial killing of American Citizens anywhere in the world, even in the absence of any proof!

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Kathleen Rich-New – Time To “Plan B” Your Life

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Kathleen Rich-New was working for a large company in Silicon Valley when she realized that she’d had enough. But she didn’t have a Plan B and it took her time to figure things out. Now she’s helping people develop their own Plan B. As a result, many of her clients will be able to retire and live comfortably. Her new book is selling well and for good reason. Kathleen is a master at helping people deal with the many possible scenarios that might lie ahead. And being prepared is the way to move ahead and to realize your dreams.

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Tyler Gallagher – Still All In On Silver And Not The Least Bit Worried

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When we last talked to Tyler Gallagher he had just invested the bulk of his assets into physical silver. That was 6 weeks ago and nothing has happened to change his mind. During this time we have seen a virtual run on the US Mint’s Silver Eagle sales program. Over 7.5 million were sold in less than three weeks! A new record, which means that the world is waking up to the realities of fiat currency. In the physical market premiums have increased for Silver Eagles and 90 percent silver. These trends show a divergence between the paper and physical markets that’s going increase over the coming months and years.

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Mark Satterfield – Acquiring Customers Is Easy, If You Have a System

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Mark Satterfield has been helping small businesses acquire customers and build an effective marketing organization. He believes that if you have a system to attract new clients and follow through, success is virtually certain. Today, more people than ever have become accidental entrepreneurs. Cradle to grave employment and benefits no longer exist. Therefore, self-reliance and rugged invidualism are making a return in America and very few people actually realize that it’s happening.

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Dr. Bruce Hagan – Your Doctor May Be Hazardous To Your Health

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Here’s why you should listen to this interview with Dr. Bruce Hagan:

  • Americans rank 50th in longevity
  • Back surgery is one of the most over-prescribed medical treatments
  • Pharmaceutical companies exert undue influence on researchers
  • Americans, 5% of the world’s population, use 50% of the world’s drugs
  • Drug errors injure millions
  • Leading cause of death in America is IATROGENESIS (doctor-caused death) Look it up on Google (Death by Medicine)
  • In 2001 Americans spent more on side effects than on disease
  • OTC cold medicines are deadly and ineffective
  • Thirty ways to help prevent breast cancer
  • Twenty-seven ways to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s
  • Twenty ways that may prevent prostate problems
  • Your hospital may be a hotbed for infection (MRSA)
  • 100,000,000 unnecessary antibiotics are given yearly
  • Twenty percent of dialysis patients get there from ibuprofen drugs Motrin, Aleve, Nuprin and Advil—LA Times

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Commander David E. Stevens – Of Fiscal Cliffs And Asteroids

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Commander David E. Stevens has written a remarkable book trilogy that’s an apocalyptic thriller. The story starts out with Navy Commander Josh Logan attempting to prevent his burning fighter from crashing into a neighborhood. He ejects too late and is injured, however he’s provided a new mission in life. He’s tasked with exploiting highly classified military technology to stop a global cataclysm. Dave wrote the book for the same reasons we do the Financial Survival Network. To warn people of the potential calamities ahead and to plan accordingly for them. It’s that simple, yet the politicians will not pay attention until it’s too late.

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Gary Gibson – Should I Go Or Should I Stay… The Collapse Is Coming

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DollarVigilante writer and editor Gary Gibson joined us today. He’s grappling with the same problems as the rest of us. Seems the government just won’t let us lead our lives and be free. But then again, when has a government ever just left its citizens alone to pursue happiness. Not very many times in history has that been the case. While there are certain things that Gary likes about the country, he sees our moral and economic slide as inevitably leading to collapse. So the problem is where to go, if any where, and Gary doesn’t yet have an answer to that one.

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Ranting Andy Hoffman – What Record US Mint Silver Sales Really Means

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Ranting Andy Hoffman was right on time with his Monday rant. And exactly what he predicted last week is what came to pass. Interest rates were closing in at 2 percent and action had to be taken to prevent it. Today, interest rates are coming back down and all is right with the world, to most people. However, those buying precious metals see something else entirely different transpiring. How else can the record silver eagle sales at the US Mint be explained. Whileax the markets may be rigged, at least some people are busy stocking up on economic essentials.

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Gary Stokes – Solving The World’s Problems Mean Raising Consciousness

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“Move out of the politics of self-pity, and become a poised voter!” — says leadership adviser Gary Stokes, who has coached presidential appointees of both parties. As the 2012 election activities wind down, Stokes says many voters remain angry, impatient and judgmental with fellow citizens on the other side of the “great political divide between conservatives and liberals.”

Gary and I had a probing and insightful discussion about constructively discussing issues that currently tend to divide us. He believes that the key to worthwhile discussion lies in staying present and keeping your emotions in check. When you’ve accomplished this feat, then you’ll find yourself becoming a true listener and the rest will be easy.

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Triple Lutz Report #238 – Croupiers Versus Frackers – New York Versus Texas

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We’ve had this discussion before, but now it’s becoming more and more apparent. The Texas economy is booming. Governor Rick Perry wants to pass a constitutional amendment to return a portion of the state’s sizeable surplus to its citizens. New York’s economy is in the pits. It’s going through its annual ritual of scrounging for citizen dollars. Now Governor Cuomo is trying to pass a constitutional amendment to allow widespread casino gambling. Governor Perry believes that Frackers create wealth. Governor Cuomo believes that Croupiers perform this task. Who’s right? Texas has a $12 billion rainy day fund, whereas New York’s budget is always having stormy financial weather. Who do you think is right?

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Triple Lutz Report #237 – The Western Australian Silver Stackers Welcome FSN

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I was recently honored by the Silver Stackers of Western Australia, when they asked me to address their annual gathering in Perth Australia. While I was unable to physically attend, through the miracle of the internet, I was able to speak to the group as if I was actually there. Imagine that, just a couple of years ago no one knew who I was, and most still don’t. However, the people who understand what’s really happening and are not content to just sit around and wait for it to occur, are listening to your host and many others the world over! Now that’s progress.

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Brian Vanyo – The Founding Fathers Had All The Answers… Then, and Now

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Brian Vanyo has written a book The American Ideology. In it he explains how the Founding Fathers helped create a country where people were encouraged to keep and treasure their God-given rights. The individual was supreme and the state was merely intended to protect the individual’s rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Fast forward to today, we have large portions of the populace dependent upon the generosity of the state. So many of the nation’s ills can be traced back to the failure to honor the Founders’ intent. But it’s not too late to change and Brian’s got some great ideas about returning to our ideals.

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Greg Fettig – Tea Partier Attempting To Save The System

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Greg Fettig is a leader of the leaderless Tea Party. It’s been tough sledding lately. With Obama’s re-election, the defeat of several high profile Tea Party backed senate candidates and the capitulation of the House Republicans, there’s not a lot to be hopeful about. But Gregg is still fighting. He’s looking for higher caliber candidates who can withstand the withering press scrutiny, to mobilize behind. The bottom line is that the Tea Party understands that there is something dreadfully wrong with the direction the country and the world is headed. They’re trying to do something about it, but it’s an uphill battle.

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Roger Sorkin – Ending Petroleum Dependence Is A National Security Priority

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Roger Sorkin is busy raising funds to produce The Burden. He believes that finding other energy sources should be a national priority, up there with the Manhattan Project. Getting fuel to the troops in Afghanistan can cost as much as $400 per gallon! Not to mention that many of the Western World’s sources of energy are in areas that are unfriendly or hostile to its interests. Therefore, it’s extremely important to start the process now. The military is firmly behind this effort, as they understand better than anyone the high stakes involved.

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Steve Bourie – Breaking Even Is Hard To Do, Especially At The Casino

[Ed. Note:If you want to make money in a casino, own one.” — Steve Wynn, Casino Owner]

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Steve Bourie is an expert in turning the tables on the casinos. He says that by playing certain games and effectively managing your money, you can get lots of freebies, or comps, win some money and come out ahead. But it takes knowledge and some study to get to this point. Steve publishes an annual casino directory which can help you find the best value plays at casinos around the world. Who would believe that your odds in video poker could be better than at numerous table games? Steve’s a master at making them pay.

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Dennis Miller – You Need To Reboot Your Retirement

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Dennis Miller was recruited by Casey Research because he is that rarest of commodities, a well-off retiree. Becoming one was no easy task, but Dennis just had a natural talent for it. He now publishes a newsletter called MillersMoney.com and has a large following. This area has become extremely complex since the Crash of 2008-09. With negative real interest rates and financial repression the rule of the day, retirees must change their world view and their investment philosophy or risk perishing financially.

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Arch Crawford – Avoiding Your Personal Fiscal Cliff Is Essential

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Arch Crawford was back with more insights from the technical indicators and the stars. As if you didn’t know already, things are pretty bleak. The world recession has continued on, despite the protestations of the ruling elite to the contrary. Arch sees this as a long term cycle and reiterated his belief that you need to store up on gold, silver, food and even guns. He’s been stating a similar message for many months and while some of his predictions haven’t totally worked out, he’s been spot-on enough so that he should be listened to.

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Carl Jarvis – Citizen’s Guide To Securing Freedom

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Carl Jarvis believes that monetary debasement leads to moral debasement. He traces many of today’s societal ills back to the abandonment of sound money. Many problems, even the gun control issue are manifestations of that underlying disease. In addition, the breakdown of the political parties is yet another sympton. Until we get back on a sound monetary footing, there can be no hope of lasting reform and rebirth for the country. Unfortunately, we can’t even have a political debate on this important issue, because there is no longer political debate in America.

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Jeff Wilson – Never Have So Many Owed So Much To So Few

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Jeff Wilson is the author of life’s cheat sheets. We talked about college debt and why you need to plan your life and your education with an eye towards supporting yourself and becoming self-sufficient. The cure to college debt is to never incur it in the first place. Once you’ve hopped on the student debt merry-go-round, your life is no longer your own. Education is now available in a number of formats for a relatively minor fees. That’s why discovering what you want to do in life is the key.

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Dan Caramanico – You Can’t Stop Selling

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Dan Caramanico believes in always delivering more than you promise. When you make this your way of doing business, you’ll never have to worry about making a living or providing for your family. You need to concentrate more on providing the highest quality service rather than worrying about how much money you’re going to make. Money is the natural result of doing your best and if you change your mental state, you will succeed. This formula has always worked and always will no matter how bad the economy may appear to be.

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Danielle Park – Time To Start The Foreclosure Reality TV Show

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Danielle Park just got back from throwing cold water on the die-hard precious metal bulls at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference. She’s not buying glowing government statistics showing that housing is recovering, either. In fact, we discussed the inventory overhang, the aptly named shadow inventory, over 6 million strong and growing. Now banks are renting out newly foreclosed homes to their defaulting borrowers. And in Florida, foreclosure is entering into the dating scene, where so many singles are on the verge of losing their homes. When will it all end?

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Michael Gray – Fiscal Cliff Deal: New Taxes For All, Help For Some

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Michael Gray is back on FSN. The latest fiscal cliff tax deal has ended uncertainty over the government’s operations, at least until the debt ceiling debate resumes. With the exception of the increased payroll tax, people making less than $250,000 per year come out fairly even on the deal and perhaps even benefit slightly. Higher earners receive a potentially crushing tax increase that will be felt for many years to come. Those people who create businesses and create weatlh will be penalized further and this will be felt in the economy as a whole. Add this increase to the boost in state taxes and you have a recipe for long-term economic contraction.

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Richard Fults – Interesting Views And Opinions Of The Bush Administration

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Richard Fults believes that the Bush Administration committed great crimes in it’s lead-up to the Iraq War and its handling of the financial collapse. His views are unorthodox and quite controversial and we at FSN, while no fans of either the Bush or present administration take issue with much of what Dick stated. His grasp of complex legal concepts seems a bit thin and his interpretation of many facts that are in doubt, lead to possibly erroneous conclusions. But we do agree with him that government in the hands of sociopaths is a dangerous thing and to be avoided at all costs.

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Triple Lutz Report #236 – Are We Running Out Of Oil?

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I interviewed two energy experts last week who expressed completely opposite views about the world’s future oil supply. Dr. Frackenstein, a pseudonym for a 25 year seasoned petroleum engineer. He’s drilled thousands of producing wells around the world, and is currently a regular visitor to North Dakota and the Bakken Shale. He claims that there’s plenty of oil out there waiting to be found, much of it in oil fields that were previously considered fully depleted. Robert Hirsch has been involved in the energy field even longer than Dr. Frack and is much more negative about future energy prospects. He believes that shale oil is expensive to drill for and the resulting wells have much shorter lifespans. This is all due to the nature of shale’s porosity, which makes it much harder to produce shale oil than it is to produce shale gas.

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Laurence Kotlikoff – Yes Virginia, We Are $220 Trillion In The Hole

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Laurence Kotlikoff put in a special return interview . He’s not expecting any great reforms from the current debt limit debate. Rather, it will be more of the same. It’s as if you sent a cancer patient to the hospital for treatment and all they got was a manicure. When it comes to the national debt debacle, there’s a complete lack of seriousness in coming up with workable solutions. Instead it devolves into a partisan game of Gotcha. In the end, we’re all the poorer and we’re the losers, as the congress heads off into its recess and scoop up large sums of cash from companies seeking undue advantage.

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