by Charles Hugh Smith
Of Two Minds
If the “solutions” being offered are features of self-liquidating systems, they aren’t solutions, they’re problems.
Problems, problems, problems. No worries, we have solutions. Solutions abound, but the question is: are they actually resolving the core problems, or are they “solutions” that leave the real problems untouched so the status quo remains safely intact?
We’ve become so accustomed to top-down “solutions” in the contexts of Big Government, Finance and Technology that we risk misdiagnosing the key problems in favor of defining “problems” that are ready-made to be “solved” by the current toolbox of top-down “solutions” offered by Big Government, Big Finance and Big Tech.
By way of analogy, it’s like being told the “solution” to our problem is a new prescription for eyewear when the actual problem is a potentially fatal melanoma skin cancer. Yes, maybe getting a new prescription would be useful, but in the context of the problem being left unaddressed–a cancer threatening to metastasize throughout the entire system–this “solution” is revealed as a solution that leaves the real problem in a run-to-failure trajectory.