Watching the Banners of Empire Unfurl

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Washington, Israel, and Turkey conspired in the destruction and partition of Syria, and now they face conflict among themselves. It is enough to put you on the side of the terrorists.

An Israeli government committee has advised that Israel must prepare for war with Turkey, suspected of intentions of restoring the Ottoman Empire which would encroach on Israel’s plans for Greater Israel. Such a war would present Washington with a dilemma. Turkey is a NATO member to whose aid Washington must go. But how can Washington go to war against Israel when Israel owns the US media, the financial sector, entertainment, ivy league and other universities, and Congress. No wonder Trump wants to get rid of NATO as it takes decisions out of his hands..

Perhaps Syria’s destruction will turn out to Russia’s benefit after all by allying Russia with Turkey in the conflict, which would mean a defeat for Washington and Israel.

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