Federal Contracts, Cuts, & Job Gains with Lloyd Chapman

from Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network

Kerry and Lloyd Chapman (also found here) discussed the critical challenges facing small businesses in America, emphasizing their role as 99.9% of U.S. companies and their importance for job creation and economic stability. Chapman criticized the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) budget for 2024, the lowest in 40 years, and expressed concern over the misallocation of federal contracts, which often favor large corporations at the expense of small businesses. He highlighted the SBA’s contracting program as essential for economic stimulus, noting that a 1% increase in small business contracts could create 100,000 new jobs. Chapman argued that a full allocation of 23% of federal contracts to small businesses could generate 2 million new jobs annually and pointed out the inequity in contract distribution, particularly affecting women-owned businesses. He urged for greater advocacy for small businesses and encouraged individuals to engage with their representatives to promote pro-small business initiatives, while Lutz supported Chapman’s views and encouraged listeners to connect with him.

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