Study: American Healthcare Sucks Hard

by Ben Bartee
The Daily Bell

Originally published via Armageddon Prose:

“Have you taken a good look at some of these big, fat motherfuckers walking around? Big, fat motherfuckers. Oh, my God. Huge piles of redundant protoplasm lumbering through the malls like a fleet of interstate buses. The people in this country are immense. Massive bellies. Monstrous thighs and big, fat fucking asses. And if you stand there for a minute and you look at one of them, you’ll look at one of them and you begin to wonder: how does this woman take a shit? How does she shit? And even more frightening: how does she wipe her ass? Can she even locate her asshole? She must require assistance. Are paramedics trained in this field? And standing right next to her, of course, with a plate full of nachos and a mouthful of pie is her clueless fucking husband Joe Six Pack. With his monstrous swollen beer belly hanging dangerously out over his belt buckle, this guy ain’t seen his dick since the Nixon administration. And if you stand there and you look at the two of them. You begin to wonder to yourself: do these people fuck? Is this man actually capable of fucking this woman? It doesn’t seem structurally possible that these two people could achieve penetration. Maybe they’re in that ‘Cirque du Soleil’ or something.” – George Carlin

At the risk of stating the obvious, American healthcare is a sham.

And an abject failure at achieving its stated objective of, you know, improving health — if not its true unspoken goal of generating lifelong customers (patients) by keeping them sick and sad.

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