This is How We Turn Things Around in the West

from King World News

Here is a look at how we can turn things around in the West.

August 8 (King World News) – Gregory Mannarino, writing for the Trends Journal: I am of the opinion that Trickle Down Economics does not work. I have covered this at length many times.

The overall theory of Trickle Down Economics is this; that by making the rich richer we all benefit. (This is a LIE).

Today, every so-called developed economy has implemented some version of Trickle Down Economics. The result is well, in our face. The world is producing more millionaires and billionaires today than at any other time in history, while at the same time, we are seeing a virtual elimination of the middle-class. In reality Trickle Down Economics is THE NUMBER ONE KILLER of small businesses AND National Economies..

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