Auto Loans, the Burden of Auto Loans, Subprime Lending, and Delinquencies in Q2

by Wolf Richter
Wolf Street

Delinquency rates unchanged, more buyers paid cash to dodge interest rates, prime is pristine, subprime (14% of originations) is (always) in trouble.

About 80% of new vehicles purchased in the US in 2024 were financed with loans or leases, down from 85% in Q1 2022, as higher interest rates have induced a larger share of buyers to pay cash. Due to their convenience, leases have remained popular with people who could easily pay cash.

In terms of used vehicles, about 37% of the purchases were financed, down from 42% in early 2022, as a larger share of buyers paid cash. This financing data is from Experian, based on the credit data it obtains and collects on all consumers.

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