by Steve McCann
American Thinker
This election season, the Democrats have again descended into a quagmire of duplicity, lies, mindless name-calling, and one-upmanship. In response, the Republicans, including the Trump campaign, are predictably and foolishly initiating their own campaigns of name-calling and one-upmanship. In the meantime, the vast majority of Americans remain on the sidelines, watching the food fight.
As a result, far too many fail to understand the threat the Democrat party, controlled by the Obama-led Marxist faction, poses to the country. In order to win in November, Donald Trump, his campaign surrogates, Republican candidates, and Republican party activists must single-mindedly focus on the issues and America’s bleak future if the Democrats win the upcoming election.
The United States will never recover if the Democrat party controls the White House, the Senate, and the House for another four years. The institutions of government will be irretrievably in the hands of the Marxists/socialists.