Violence: Why History and Politics Predict It’s Going to Get Worse

by Mr. Smith
Chris Martenson’s Peak Prosperity

Open any news source, and violence is almost always front and center. It’s not just because editors sadly and rightly believe the concept of “if it bleeds it leads” will attract more eyeballs, it’s because violence is and always has been prevalent in human society. And it’s getting worse.

Unfortunately, instead of helping to tame this most troublesome part of human nature, the policies of a major political segment of Western societies are hell-bent on destroying the very institutions designed to protect us from ourselves.

The Heart of Our Behavior: Culture

Culture, according to Merriam Webster, is “the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group.” Culture therefore involves hierarchies, preferences and incentives: This result is better than that result.

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