Trump’s Tariffs Didn’t Work. Biden’s Won’t Work Either.

They favor special interests, hurt consumers, and have utterly failed to rein in China.

by Veronique de Rugy

The United States is known as the land of the free, but it has become a place where the government decides whom we are allowed to buy from and sell to. For instance, when denied the freedom to trade without paying an expensive import tax, many Americans will find themselves begging our trade overlords for an exemption. This is, I believe, a fair description of the Biden administration’s decision to not only maintain ineffective import taxes—also called tariffs—but to re-up the listless exemption process.

After a monthslong review by her agency, United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai recently announced that the tariffs imposed by the Trump administration in order to make the Chinese government change its ways have failed. Yet the administration’s prescription seems to be more of the same.

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