Just 72 Hours from Anarchy with Bill Holter and Greg Hunter

by Greg Hunter
USA Watchdog

Financial writer and precious metals expert Bill Holter has long predicted the bloated indebted financial system, at some point, was going to go down. According to Holter, the wait is over, and he says, “It’s imploding now. When will it fully go down? It could be few days a few weeks or maybe a few months, but the system is coming down now. ”

The $62 trillion “Ponzi scheme” real estate market in China is imploding and reportedly has at least $6 trillion in sour debt. In America and the rest of the world, they are printing more just to keep the system afloat. It’s in the process of sinking, and that could unleash a financial crash no one alive has ever seen before. There is big unretractable inflation, labor shortages and severe supply chain disruptions, and it’s going to get worse. It’s a nightmare of deflation and inflation at the same time. Holter explains, “In Chinese real estate, the volume has dried up and prices are now following. That’s obviously a deflation. Just look worldwide at goods that people need like food and basics. There is inflation everywhere throughout the entire world. That inflation is a function of the money supply that has been pumped into the system. . . . Now, the problem is central banks have put too much money into the system, and you are obviously seeing the inflation . . . . 35% of all dollars outstanding today have been created in the last 12 months.”

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