Why Are Americans Being Coerced to Submit to Injection with a Dangerous Substance That is Known Not to Protect Against Covid but to Cause Death and Serious Health Injuries?

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

The Israelis Have Now Admitted the Impotence of the “vaccine” on TV news: https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2021/09/27/scandinavian-governments-announce-covid-is-over-israel-announces-the-vaccine-doesnt-protect/

If the “Covid Pandemic” is real, why have Denmark, Norway, and Sweden abolished all Covid restrictions and declared an end to the crisis? https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2021/09/27/scandinavian-governments-announce-covid-is-over-israel-announces-the-vaccine-doesnt-protect/

What explains the Vaccine Mandates? It is known that the vaccine does not protect—thus masks and booster shots—but it does kill and maim. Why are they determined to kill and maim us?

Three Thousand Doctors and Scientists want to know why they are being prevented from treating their patients with safe and effective medicines.

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