The Dr. Fraudci and Kill Gates Scam of the Century

by Jeff Berwick
Dollar Vigilante

A lot of things haven’t made sense for a while, right?

Like the mass worship of Your Holiness, Dr. Fraudci.

And the omnipotence of Kill Gates.

Elon Musk.

Most of all the wave upon wave of Covaids cons and subsequent vaccination fraud, extortion and bribery.

The past 15 months could be summed up by one message: Expect the Unexpected. (Which also happens to be the title of Fraudci’s forthcoming book, “Expect the Unexpected: Ten Lessons on Truth, Service, and the Way Forward,” which has just been pulled from Amazon and Barnes & Noble pre-sales citing, “The book was prematurely posted for pre-sale, which is why it was taken down.”

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