New Highs Coming in 2021

by David Brady
Sprott Money

Timeframes matter when it comes to analysis and possible outcomes. What do I mean by timeframes? I’ll use Gold to explain, but this applies to all markets with the caveat that each analyst, trader, or investor has their own definitions of what these timeframes are. It’s not an exact science, but this will explain the concept of timeframes.

  • Very Short-Term: The next move in Gold over the next 24-72 hours. The imminent outlook.
  • Short-Term: A forecast for up to the next several days, weeks, or even a few months.
  • Medium-Term: A few months up to a year.
  • Long-Term: Expectations for the next year and beyond.

For example, I have been a screaming bull in precious metals and miners since I started buying them in the second half of 2015. My expectations for Gold long-term are for a ‘minimum’ price of $5,000 in the next few years and far higher after that.

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