DeSantis Vows Critical Race Theory Won’t Be Taught in Florida Classrooms

by Damjan Tutarkov
LaCorte News

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said critical race theory (CRT) – which teaches students the U.S. was founded on the backs of African slaves, and that systemic racism exists to this day – has no place in Florida schools.

DeSantis said this week he wants to use $106 million granted to Florida as Covid-19 relief by the federal government to fund civics education.

DeSantis wants $16 million of that money to be used to engage civics “coaches” to train teachers and principles and organize seminars and virtual sessions, and $17 million to draft civics learning materials and curricula, Fox News reported.

“Florida’s civics curriculum will incorporate foundational concepts with the best materials and it will expressly exclude unsanctioned narratives like critical race theory and other unsubstantiated theories,” DeSantis said this week.

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