Setting Realistic Homesteading Goals

Whether you live in town or in the country

by Samantha Biggers
Chris Martenson’s Peak Prosperity

[…] Many people dream about homesteading on some level.

While having a larger parcel of land is often part of that dream, it’s not essential. You can accomplish many homesteading projects while living in the city or the suburbs.

Setting realistic goals for homesteading will make your experience more enjoyable and allow you to get good at the skills you’re gaining. Just remember to pace yourself.

Taking on a lot at once doesn’t allow for enough time to get good and knowledgeable at any one skill. When you take on too much at once, you are more likely to make mistakes too.

My husband and I started our own homesteading journey in 2008 while in our mid-20s. It was tough. We didn’t have much money. But we did have a piece of overgrown land.

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