W.H.O. Says Covid Scamdemic is NOT “The Big One”

by Mac Slavo

As mainstream media outlets everywhere continue to warn of the mutant strain of COVID-19, the World Health Organization says it’s not “the big one.” The WHO then suggests we “prepare” for the big one by giving up all of our basic human rights.

“[O]ne thing we need to take from this pandemic, with all of the tragedy and loss, is we need to get our act together. We need to honor those we’ve lost by getting better at what we do every day,” says a WHO expert, Mike Ryan according to Market Watch.

“But this is not necessarily the big one,” he said. “This is a wake-up call. We are learning now how to do things better — science, logistics, training, and governance, how to communicate better. But the planet is fragile. We live in an increasingly complex global society. These threats will continue. If there is one thing we need to take from this pandemic, with all of the tragedy and loss, [it] is [that] we need to get our act together. We need to honor those we’ve lost by getting better at what we do every day.”

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