The Deracination of the Western World

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

The Western World has entered a Dark Age from which it is unlikely to emerge intact. In Europe nations once based on distinct ethnicity have opened their borders to mass immigration of unassimilable peoples, thus destroying their internal unity. These same nations have also abandoned their sovereignty. The US, EU, and Globalism preside over Europe. The main European countries no longer consist of nation states. In France citizens who complain of the marginalization of the French people in their own country are prosecuted. In Germany they are branded Nazis and subjected to legal threats. Germany doesn’t even permit its citizens to express opinions with which Jews disagree. Having just completed a two and a half year prison sentence for Holocaust denial, 92 year old Ursula Haverbeck has been convicted again by German courts for doubting aspects of the Holocaust in a 2018 interview. In Greece a nationalist political party, Golden Dawn, was declared racist, xenophobic, and fascist, charged with running a criminal organization and had its leaders and its members in the Greek government arrested and sentenced to prison. The ethnic base of European countries has been effectively silenced.

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