The Coronavirus Pandemic is a Global Fraud Perpetrated by China, Abetted by the Powerful

More than a year into the pandemic, we still don’t know its full story

by Tucker Carlson
FOX News

You’ve heard a lot recently about “voter fraud” and “election fraud.” But now comes more profound news, of a global fraud that began long before Election Day and has ruined millions of lives, killed hundreds of thousands, and deeply affected the outcome of our presidential election.

We speak, of course, of the coronavirus pandemic. Simply put, we’ve been lied to.

The latest evidence comes from samples collected during Red Cross blood drives last year and analyzed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in a study published on Monday.

Researchers tested 39 blood samples from California, Washington and Oregon that were collected between Dec. 13 and Dec. 16, 2019. At the time, no one in the United States had heard of COVID-19. The Chinese government didn’t even acknowledge its existence until Dec. 31. And yet, every one of those samples came back positive for coronavirus antibodies. Keep in mind that antibodies don’t develop for at least a week after exposure to the virus.

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