The American People Deserve Explanations for These “Election Anomalies”

by Michael Snyder
End of the American Dream

The big news networks seem to be pretending that they aren’t there, but the truth is that there are some very serious statistical “anomalies” that really need to be explained. The integrity of our elections is of the utmost importance, and over the last 24 hours I have seen some things that concern me greatly. I think that the mainstream media is assuming that they can just go ahead and declare victory for Joe Biden and that all of these “anomalies” will soon be forgotten, but I don’t think that Trump and his supporters will let this go. The stakes in this election are so high, and it won’t be so easy to sweep things under the rug like we have seen in the aftermath of past elections.

For example, while the vast majority of Americans were sleeping very early on Wednesday morning, a huge number of votes were suddenly reported in Michigan and every single one of those votes were for Joe Biden…

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