Lockdowns Coming: 22 States Already Locking Down Again

by Mac Slavo

Anyone who understands that these lockdowns were never about health, but about control, know that the first lockdowns didn’t quite devastate the middle class to the point that the elitists needed them to. Now, another round of lockdowns is coming in order for the rulers to usher in the New World Order through chaos and poverty.

This is straight up nothing short of economic terrorism and it’s being done by the government.

Greg Mannarino: “They Want People Desperate. People Aren’t Desperate Enough”

These lockdowns serve two purposes. One, they keep up the facade and continue to keep the masses in a panicked state of fear. And two, they finish off the middle-class impoverishing enough people that they will willingly enslave themselves for the universal basic income pittance in the form of a digital dollar that the elites can track, trace, and control.

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