Tyrants: “Prepare to Wear Masks & Socially Distance Even After Getting Covid-19 Vaccine”

by Mac Slavo

Doctors are now saying we should expect to practice social distancing and wear masks even after everyone is vaccinated. Talk about moving the goalposts in an epic fashion!

They have warned us of this in the past too:

They Moved The Goalposts…AGAIN!: “It’s Not Over When The Vaccine Arrives”

There is no going back. It’s not going to be “normal” again.

Dr. Paul Offit of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, who also co-invented the rotavirus vaccine (is in the back pocket of Big Pharma) suggests that even after you’re injected with the horrific concoction of whatever is going to be in the COVID-19 vaccine, you’ll still have to socially distance and wear a face mask. In other words, get used to living life as a slave because it’s not going back to “normal” as we knew it.

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