Screwing the Little Guy

by Doctor J
TF Metals Report

The ferocity of recent downward manipulation of metals prices prompts a pause for thought. The manipulators had to take action…a Hail Mary if you will, (No, I cannot use that metaphor to describe bankers out of respect for my Catholic brethren). Yea, it was an act of desperation, willing to risk everything to save their control of “their” markets. They doubled down with shorts and engaged in blatant manipulation to make sure they both regain control and fatten their purse.

The prop desk traders, analysts and programmers that make up the crew of Wall Street monkeys share a portion of the guilt, but the real criminals are their bosses who devise the plots and give the orders to initiate them. “Release the Goldbug-Smash Algo,” they text, looking out the upper windows of their NY offices at the ants walking below. And the machines take over, in the wee hours while we sleep, unable to respond, overwhelming the bid stack, running stops so that when markets re-open, contracts with stop loss orders in place will be sold at even lower prices.

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