Trump is Finally Signing the ‘Buy American’ Executive Order – But Now It’s Going by a New Name

by Christian Datoc

President Donald Trump will sign a long-anticipated executive order Thursday in Ohio that seeks to onshore the country’s medical supply chain by requiring federal agencies to only purchase critical drugs and medical equipment manufactured in American facilities.

The coronavirus pandemic illustrated how numerous factors, including other countries’ access to key starting materials and tax haven policies, put the U.S. at a severe disadvantage in handling pandemic and other chemical, biological, radioactive, and nuclear (CBRN) threats. White House officials say the new order — formally titled the “Executive Order On Combatting Public Health Emergencies And Strengthening National Security By Ensuring Essential Medicines, Medical Countermeasures, And Critical Inputs Are Made In The United States — will establish a base level of demand from the federal government to attract U.S. companies to reshore and invest in stateside manufacturing capabilities.

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