The Government Has a New Secret Watchlist & Can Track Americans Without a Warrant

by Mac Slavo

The government now has a new secret watchlist that allows his administration to track Americans without a warrant. In case you haven’t noticed, your rights are being suspended and removed in quick succession.

This is an expansive list that includes Americans with no connections to terrorism. According to a report by Newsweek, the new watchlist, authorized through a classified Attorney General order and launched in 2017, is expected to grow to well over one million names. It also allows the government to track and monitor Americans without a warrant, even when there is no evidence they’re breaking the law.

While two separate laws require the government to announce new systems of data collection of Americans, there has been no acknowledgment of the expanded watchlist. If you’ve been paying attention, especially lately, you should know that laws don’t protect us. They protect the ruling class from us.

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