from WallStForMainSt
Before the coronavirus outbreak caused the oil market, stocks, corporate bonds and credit markets to crater, pension funds were a mess and many were drastically underfunded despite a long bull market in stocks and bonds.
The state of New Jersey’s pension fund lost billions recently…
Even worse, the US’ largest pension fund, CALPERS, closed out all of its hedges (insurance) protecting their investment portfolio from a stock market and oil crash in January after stocks were going parabolic for most of 2019.…
Ted Siedle: The Greatest Retirement Crisis In The History Of The World
Real Vision’s YouTube channel has a lot of interviews about the pension fund crisis…
Overall, the situation is an enormous mess and now states may be trying to raid Congress’ coronavirus bailout funds for bailouts of state pension funds.
Don’t Let States Rob COVID-19 Funds to Bail Out Pensions…
Does The Post Office Need A Pension Bailout, And What Does That Have To Do With The Coronavirus?…
Pensions In A Pandemic: Is One Man’s Bailout Another Man’s Pension Funding Relief?…
A Public Health Crisis Is No Time for Private Pension Bailouts…
Are you ready for the big pension fund bailout of 2020? Governors who imposed coronavirus lock downs now want taxpayers to cough up $500 billion…
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