from TheOldDon
Matt Christensen’s video, “What Counts as a Coronavirus Death? | The Sketchy Cases in the Total” sparked my curiousity. So, I did a little research. This video shows a group of “famous” people who died from, er, because of, er, due to complications of, or SOMETHING to do with the Coronavirus. But, is that REALLY what the main issue was for them? Here is a link to Matt’s original video:
What Counts as a Coronavirus Death? | The Sketchy Cases in the Total –…
And, here is the “Business Insider” article I used to see the list of “famous” people who died from, or well, from something “related” to Coronavirus –…
Look, this disease is real, it is serious, and it deserves to be treated with caution. It is also true we need more truth now, than ever.