Your Guide to Surviving a Crisis

it is OK to unplug from this stream of information when you feel it necessary. In fact, maybe it will be necessary to do so to maintain your sanity and your perception of the world during this chaotic period.

by James Corbett
The International Forecaster

Remember when we kicked off 2020 with that little WWIII scare in the Middle East? Oh how quaint all that seems now.

[…] I was going to start off this week with a recap of the craziness that unfolded in recent days as full-on pandemic panic set in in the United States, but leave it to Twitter to come up with the pithiest summary: “What a year this last half hour has been.”

That’s one way of capturing the shock that many are experiencing right now. But more enlightening still are the responses to that tweet.

“Understatement of the year,” one user replied, adding that “Every time you click [refresh], something unbelievable has happened. Literally every second.”

Another user responded that “I have a friend who just shut everything off and went out into nature for a day because it was all going to be there when they came back.”

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