Professor Alain Sanders – Trump Presidency

from Financial Survival Network

Like it or not, Trump is going to be our president. Professor Alain Sanders believes that the electoral college is somewhat outdated. He seems to think that the divisions that create our system are somewhat artificial. But isn’t this exactly what the Founders had in mind? While the good Professor believes that people vote for the government, the plan was to avoid allowing any geographical region to dominate the vote. And much to the chagrin of California, New York and Illinois, this is exactly what happened. So how will Trump govern, through executive order or fiat, like his predecessors have increasingly relied upon, or in parternship with the Congress as the Founders intended? We’ll know soon enough. Perhaps it’s time for the legislative branch to step up to the plate and stop shirking its duties. Do we really get the government and policies we desire as a nation and a people? The Professor believes that we usually do, but we wonder if that’s always the case.

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