Now Greenspan Advances ‘Populism Vs. Globalism’

by Daily Bell Staff
The Daily Bell

‘Crazies’ Will Undermine the U.S. System … Former Fed chief doesn’t spell out whom he is referring to Says economic and political environment is worst he’s seen … Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan voiced concern that the U.S. economic and political system could be undermined by what he called “crazies.” – Bloomberg

Once again we observe a meme we’ve been covering, populism versus globalism. This time a Bloomberg article presents it using Alan Greenspan as an example of a wise globalist. The “crazies” are, of course, populists like Trump.

We’ve covered this meme here and here. We’re not surprised at its traction. We predicted that it would be a popular type of propaganda because of its topical nature. It can presented in numerous ways.

Again, the idea is always to present global perspective as a wise one and the popular perspective as silly, juvenile, etc.

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