The Reckoning: “A Banking Crisis is About to Sweep the Globe”

by Mac Slavo

Greg Mannarino of, who has previously warned that when the next debt bubble pops millions upon millions of people will die in the fallout, says the reckoning for financial markets is coming… and soon:

I don’t know what else you need to see… A lot of people [are asking], “where’s the collapse? where’s the crisis

It’s happening all over the world… Social unrest, strife, a banking crisis that has no where to go but worse… The chickens are coming home to freaking roost.

You need to take action. It’s that simple.

Are world central banks going to continue to try and keep this market up? Absolutely that’s what they’re going to do, especially because it’s an election cycle in the United States… no doubt about it… but that does not mean things are not crumbling around us.

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