from Financial Survival Network
Status Report as of: August 24, 2016 12:00 PM
Date business started: January 27, 2016
Total sales to date: $265,021
Total units to date: 7,858
Yesterday’s Sales: $3,132
30 day sales: $75,450
30 day unit sales: 2061
Current Number of Products: 7 products 11
Mike and Matt started the business on a whim. They were at a branding conference and a Russian fellow was telling them how he was making $2000-3000 per day selling on Amazon. Mike leaned over and told Matt they were going to start their own Amazon store. And the rest is history. At this rate, over the next 12 months, if things continue the way they’re going, they’ll easily break the $1 million dollar sales mark. And even if Amazon went out of business tomorrow, the skills they’ve learned will enable them to keep on selling. And the profit margin on these sales is enormous, over 50 percent!
For the latest sales update and to find out more go to
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