“I don’t understand people…who talk about us as being in decline, and who act as though we are not yet the greatest country that has ever been on the face of the Earth for all of history!” – Hillary Rodham Clinton, 25 July 2016
How can we possibly have any problems, except for malcontents, naysayers, and whiners? We are the greatest!
The Democratic establishment’s lack of understanding of what a large portion of the public has been saying and thinking during this entire election cycle and beyond is both remarkable and yet understandable, given the insular bubble of easy money, crony capitalism, and endless favoritism in which their candidate and their pampered protégés exist.
This utter disconnect from the public is why liberal establishment figureheads can write columns in the New York Times suggesting that all must be well everywhere, because things are great in the affluent bubble-land of the Upper West Side of Manhattan, or in Silicon Valley. And then go on to imply that anyone who may disagree, who may be protesting and working for meaningful reform, is ignorant or dishonest.