from Financial Survival Network
Matt Nye is an innovative entrepreneur and political activist with 24 years of diversified experience in technology, telecommunications, finance, marketing and communications. Nye currently works as Regional Director for Verteks Consulting, a leading provider of voice and data networks for enterprise and government clients in Florida. In addition to his work at Verteks Consulting, Nye has taken on a number of leadership roles in local and national political organizations. He is the Founder and Immediate Past Chair of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Central East Florida (RLC), the Organizer of the Brevard Tea Parties and the National Chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus.
The Republican Party hasn’t exactly rolled out the red carpet for him. What’s so hard for the Party to understand about fundamental rights and freedom? But somehow that Party has lost its way and they don’t want to hear from the little guy. Matt would rather see Trump than Hillary, obviously.
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