Massive Geopolitical Tremors Put the Cartel – And History’s Largest Fiat Ponzi Scheme – At the Precipice

by Andrew Hoffman
Miles Franklin

It’s late Friday afternoon – and after “Cliff High’s” prediction Wednesday that a “late afternoon” event would prompt an explosion of gold, silver, and Bitcoin this weekend, it’s difficult to not pay attention. Whether he’s “right” or not, we’ll see soon, whether due to an actual proprietary forecasting method or pure luck. As quite obviously, Precious Metal fundamentals are already so strong, they simply need a “match” to light the proverbial fuse. Which is why, last weekend, I essentially “called” the Cartel’s imminent demise – a call made far stronger by today’s COT report, released at 3:30 PM EST, showing COMEX “commercials” barely covered any of their record gold short position as of last Tuesday, and took their record silver short to a new, “off the charts” high. Which will surely grow much higher next week, if what just occurred an hour ago – causing gold, silver, and Bitcoin to surge in the thinly-traded post-NYSE hours – can’t be “managed” by Sunday night. Trust me, this never happens on a Friday night – much less, any night. And certainly, not lately, with the Cartel already on death’s door, as “Economic Mother Nature” and the “unstoppable tsunami of reality” bear down on it.

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