by Gary Savage
Gold Seek
The banksters, by manipulating the price of gold and artificially creating a bear market, have created what will likely turn out to be one of the greatest opportunities ever seen. I’ve maintained all along this was their goal. To create the most destructive bear market in history, which would then generate the largest bull market the world has ever seen.
Folks, you might as well take advantage of this opportunity. The banksters aren’t the only ones that deserve to get rich. They have destroyed millions of peoples lives as the authorities stood by and watched them run the precious metals markets, and especially the mining sector, down to absurd levels over the last few years. Now they have switched sides and the attacks have stopped. It’s time for price to swing in the other direction. And it’s going to swing so far in the other direction, that I have no doubt before it is over this will be the largest bull market the world will ever see.