Still Report #961 – British Killer Did NOT Shout “Britain First”

from Bill Still

lass=”” >Stock markets in Europe and the U.S. surged at their openings this morning on news of a dramatic reversal in British polling over Thursday’s big Brexit vote in the UK.
With trillions on the line, the British polls had taken a dramatic shift towards the UK leaving the European Union, known as Brexit. The deciding factor had been when Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK Independence Party, or UKIP, trounced British Prime Minister David Cameron in a televised debate last week.
Suddenly the polls shifted dramatically towards Brexit and the momentum seemed to be accelerating.
But then a madman with a long history of psychiatric problems, Thomas Mair, attacked a young mother of two – a rising star in the British Parliament and Labor Party opponent of Brexit, named Jo Cox.
Mair shot Ms. Cox three times at close range, at a public meet-and-greet, then stabbed her repeatedly, before escaping on foot.
But here’s the kicker; Mair reportedly shouted “Britain First!” as he launched his attack – a sort of battle cry for the Brexit forces.
The only problem: witnesses on the scene – interviewed 4 days after the grizzly murder – are saying they heard no such battle cry from the killer.
However, the damage may have been done. A 6 to 8 point reversal in the polls has been seen in the last 48 hours, and a populist movement that has been years in the making might now be denied because of the dramatic murder a week before the voting.
Nigel Farage has chastised David Cameron for trying to connect the murder to the Brexit forces.
“[It’s] despicable … but that’s what’s happening. The prime minister … and other big political leaders in Britain … are scared witless. They thought they would win this referendum by a country mile.”
“They know it’s neck and neck … and there is no level of denigration or false association that they will not stoop to, but I think people are intelligent enough to see through this sort of thing.”
“Do we believe we’re good enough to run our own country, and make our own laws? I do. We’ve got to vote Leave to take back control of our lives.”
The latest polls are split. The Sunday Times poll shows the Remain campaign with a 1 point lead.
Good Morning Britain shows the Brexit group holding a 2-point lead.
I’m still reporting from Washington. Good day.